the little fps horror / comedy im making

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    • the little fps horror / comedy im making

      This seems like the right place to put this, ok here i go. So i'm a small "nobody knows you" noob indie game dev, just started first game i actually plan on releasing as a game about 4-5 months ago? Can't remember,anyway, decided to go with an fps horror game because we all love those....especially when Pewds plays them...hehe. Story is fairly simple, the game takes place in the future with space travel and human colonies on other worlds. (The game goes a bit Anime style here), You play as a special type of Galactic Police officer called a Shade, they are bipedal police dogs with cyber armor suits and plasma riffles. You get sent to investigate a mining colony destress call only to find the whole place is crawling with giant alien Bedbugs (Comedy <add laughter here>). So the whole flow of the game is you basically going from area to area searching for survivors. There are puzzles but i'm trying to do it as sort of a parady horror game (poke fun of elements you typically see in horror games.) so the puzzles are designed to be fairly simple but more importantly make sense about why you need to do them. Ummm, i would link a video of me playing threw the current build but uh not sure if that is ok with the forum rules so ill just link the Unity Community post if anyone is curious about it. Shade(title un-confirmed) | Unity Community

    • I'm a bit confused as to how one would go about suggesting a demo of their game for pewds to try? The suggestion forum rules say finished games only, mine is not but I have a working demo that I would like Pewds and other peeps to try. No I'm not charging anything, I don't believe in charging people for demos or none-complete games. I purely need feed back on the game i'm developing to see if it has potential.