Things you Believed as a Kid

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    • I thought Antirrhinums (colliquially called "bunny rabbit flowers") were where bunny rabbits came from, that they started as flower heads then grew into a rabbit and hopped away. And when I saw dead antirrhinums on the ground, I would be sad because I thought of all the bunnies that died before they had a chance to grow.

      I also thought cats eyes in the motorway were literally cats heads and eyes peering up from the ground, under which was the rest of the body set in concrete.

      I also thought Doctor Who was a real person somewhere out there. And I still kind of do...

      Hugo Daniel wrote:

      Every time you saw something on tv the actors were doing it live.
      Lol yeah I used to think that as well xD Apart from, conversely, when it came to period movies and TV, which I thought were actually filmed in the time they were set no matter how far back.
    • Grown-ups are mean!
      I use to think earwigs will crawl up into your ear while you sleep. Thus why they are called earwigs, because they attack people by going in their ears and doing bad stuff with their pincer things.
      I was told this story as a child, about a spider eating a hole in a girl's scalp and crawling into her head and laying eggs there. I don't remember how the story went or how the spider stayed on her head to make the hole (I think it was because the girl had cornrows/braids and you don't wash your hair much with that style). But because of that story I was scared of spiders, for more reasons then a normal kid should be scared of spiders.

      My stupidest belief as a kid (and...beyond >__>).... was this fear my bellybutton would reopen! That if I ate too much or gained too much weight it would split/reopen. and that the belly button was connected to the stomach.... so yeah... tummy juice would spill out. [stop laughing! it's kid logic based on kid stuff like how cuts reopen with too much messing with it or when you fix something and it breaks.] I was also not one of those kids who stuck things like Cheerios in their belly-button, cuz yeah...... kid logic says if you poke too hard/much you will break it.
      Eat your vegetables now <3