Cyberbullying and Trashtalking

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    • Cyberbullying and Trashtalking

      Alright so I thought the problem with the cyberbullying and the bullying stuff that Ritual Lobotomy ended and everyone apologized but it turns out that it did not. So just today, after I came back from lunch, I heard about something about a group that someone made and was hearing complaints about someone trashtalking to others. I don't know if this is 100% correct but in all seriousness, this is getting annoying. Even after a mod writes about how cyberbullying is bad, this still goes on.

      First of all, I wanted to point out that Skype and other medias have nothing to do with this site. Unless people are cyberbullying on one person, being more than PG-13 on a skype group shouldn't have any relations of the laws created here. Skype and this site are two different companies. Of course some rules can be used to maintain the groups of Skype, it is the group's creator's choice whether or not to make people follow these rules. Just because there are non PG-13 stuff going on in a particular group, doesn't mean one can take pictures of the content and send them to mods on this site. Once again, I want to say that Skype and this site are two different things and the stuff that people write on Skype should not be transferred to anyone here unless the creator tells them to do so. Skype is Skype. This site is this site. And it will stay like this.

      Secondly, all these complaints about the trashtalk and stuff are driving me nuts. Again I do not know if the trashtalking is true but I am getting tons of complaints about someone trashtalking about their group. There is no need to bully back to the people who bullied them. Just let them be. They don't have lives and they just do what they want to do. If things get out of hand, contact someone you trust or the mods here. There is no need to make another group and trashtalk about the bullies who have stopped bullying. By making another group and trashtalking about the bullies, the bullies will now be the victims and the person who made the group and trashtalks about the bullies will be the bully. I hoped this problem would end after the mod put the Thread about No Cyberbullying but this still hasn't stopped.

      In conclusion, I do believe what bullies do are wrong. I don't think what the bullies do is not a good idea to show hatred. However, if the bullies stop bullying someone and has forgave for what they did, I do not think it is right for the victim to become a bully and began trashtalking to the prior bullies. In addition, I emphasize again that Skype and other outside chatting medias should not have a relation with this site. If people write non PG-13 stuff on their groups, for example, Skype, content that the people wrote on the group should not be going to the mods on this site. You can kindly tell the creator of the Skype group to limit the explicit content or kindly step away from the group and leave. There is no reason for anything from other PRIVATE chat groups to go to the mods here. Because what if there were stuff that the members of the group didn't want anyone else to see except the members in the group? That would be called an invasion of privacy. I get it how there are people who do not like explicit content and gets uncomfortable around those contents but there is no need for those to go to Mods and the Mods telling the creators of their private chat group about the content of the Skype chat. And if there is any kind of bullying going on in the skype group, feel free to talk to the group creator or pm them and tell him/her about the problem. Cyberbullying is something serious and that needs to be enforced quickly. I feel it was the best choice for Lobo to put the post about no cyberbullying on this thread. However, non PG-13 stuff that others write in their PRIVATE Skype groups should not, in any way, be going through this site. The Mods of this site should only enforce the rules here. The creators in their private Skype group are the Mods in their group.

      I hope all this problem ends because everything is sickening and annoying me. Thank you.

      --ericcckky, The Cake Giver

      私の名前は柊 シノアです。

      あたしはアニメが好き 。

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