The Berserker Inside

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    • The Berserker Inside

      Throughout my life, I've come to understand this idea that I was born in the wrong time. It's not as if I were some form of mythical being, but rather that their ancestries have piled into my body and resulted in this.....urge. Even as I write this, it makes mostly no sense to me, but I feel I must write this. I have a desire to someday engage in physical combat, and I do not speak of the tenderly cultivated system of sport. My body longs for the challenge of life and limb, to test my strength of body and will against others. It is not a desire to do bodily harm to others, but instead to feel that challenge of a man versus his opponent.

      I wish it would go away sometimes, but sometimes I can feel it's pressure to overthrow. The adrenaline that surges to instigate, the clench of a jaw wanting to bite or throw a punch. It scares me sometimes, feeling that pure grin of..... what even is it? Rage? Carnality? Madness? as it spreads across my face? I look at a knife and don't think "This is a tool to help me". I look and think "My what a weapon. A pity it can't be shared".

      Durpa durr?
    • I can understand what you mean there. I also have that inner "rage". Though finding no way against it sometimes it just come and just don't seem to go out so either i try to control it or step aside but even though it also afflict my mind like =can't even take a joke. there is many ressort to this kind of mentality but in the end at least for me i only end up staying stuck and defending to try and avoid and outgoing nefast conclusion. But you can't step away from everything specialy when this things come at you. So it pretty goes as a you have to learn how to "use" it in a better way. I understand how hard it is and also i'd like to hear your advice about it or anything about your own statement on it or such i don't know?