when and how i became a bro

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    • when and how i became a bro

      About 10 years ago, I was diagnosed with kidney disease. It was a hard life, surgeries, medications, endless treatments and worst of all, pain. Around the february of 2011, I came across a channel, a funny one at that. This game had come out, called amnesia, but I did not have a computer to play it.So, after watching Theradbrad, I knew ppl played games online, so I searched Youtube. Here comes this hilarious Youtuber, who did not talk much, named Pewdiepie. I did not know people got that scared for a game. At the time, I did not have a computer or a Youtube account. I shared his video with some friends, and they enjoyed it. Later that year, I had gotten a transplant, in December. I was so over-joyed, but this was a tough time for me. At chool, I had many friends, the whole school was cool with me, except these 2 girls who hated me, because I had feelings for their friend (the cockblok duo). Anyways, while recovering, I felt lonely and sad. The hospital I stayed at, is called Montefiore. A great place, one of the best in America. I had a flat screen on my side of the room, and access to Youtube, so I watched some Pewdiepie videos I had to catch up on. Through that time, I was learning more about the internet. Because before, I was not much into computers, just my phone or ipod. After that, I went and got a laptop, sadly it got stolen 2 months later. (do not ask). So, cut to now, ever since seeing those thee amazing Youtubers, I learned about posting your talents on the internet. Those three, including you Pewds, inspired me to experiment. Now, I make music, I make funny cartoon(not real) funny pony ads, and write amazing stories. My talents scored me a mentor on this show called MY Little Pony friendship is magic, the art drector is my mentor. So, today, I can properly thank you Felix. Thanks for all the laughs, stories, gameplays, cheers and smiles. You make the world a greater place, no wonder you are the king of Youtube. I hope to entertain millions of people someday. Until then, I will keep creating, never give up, and keep them smiling
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