How old do you have to be to drive in Sweden? (In your home country as well)

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    • How old do you have to be to drive in Sweden? (In your home country as well)

      Pewds made a comment in one of his recent videos that it was weird to see kids driving . . .

      So I was wondering how old do you guys have to be to drive?
      As well as Sweden's driving age, in America it's a min is 16 years with a license, but premint works to with a 21 year old in the car at 15 years.
      I am 19, but don't have my license yet because I just never tried for it. I do drive a bit though, I have my premint.
      What about you guys, do you have yours and do you drive??
      for today to be better than yesterday,
      and tomorrow better than today . . .

      Thank you very much for your time.
      -QuietQuilla :brofist:

      The post was edited 1 time, last by QuietQuilla ().

    • In America if you live more than 3 miles from the school you go to you can get a school permit (allows you to drive to and from school but not anywhere else) when you are 14 years old. When you turn 15 you get your drivers permit which means that you have to have and adult over 21 drive with you at all times. When you turn 16 you can get your actual drivers license and I think (it may only be my state) that for the fist 6 months you can only have 1 non sibling with you but after that you don't have any rules except curfew. When you turn 18 your curfew no longer applies. I know that curfew in my state/town is 23:00.
      I'm dying on the inside and he doesn't seem to care