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    • Now let me explain a few things first:
      This is a mod for Minecraft. It's all server-side, so you don't have to download anything, just join their server.
      This is also still in Beta, which means you also have to pay if you want to test it out, BUT it will be out in about 1-2 weeks (probably more tbh, I've read that maybe in the middle of July, somewhere around that date), so that's that.

      Now on to the mod itself. If you ever played Arma II, you might have heard of the DayZ mod, which is basically a zombie apocalypse mod. And it's awesome. Just awesome.

      It's pretty hard for me to explain everything, but a few things worth mentioning what's so great about this is:
      You have thirst. If you don't drink water, you die.
      Zombies are ALOT faster and stronger. You WILL die.
      The XP bar shows your visibility. Sneaking and rain reduces it, so zombies might not see you.
      You don't automatically heal anymore - you need to drink potions or eat food to regenerate health.
      Food is kinda hard to find, plus there are players running around here and there so it's pretty hard overall.

      Thing is, Minecraft itself isn't hard, it's not actually a Survival game, it's just a simple sandbox building game to me. But this - this mod brings the Survival feeling to Minecraft, and although you can't build (except for cobwebs to slow the zombies down), it's still SO much fun.

      I just can't tell you how good this is, but you may (or may not) enjoy watching this video of the Beta gameplay:

      And to finish this off, I think PewDie could enjoy this alot, especially with a company of friends (ofcourse it's best to wait for it to actually release, when it'll be free, I just posted this now 'cause this is just amazing anyway, and you can support it if you like it)

      Oh I almost forgot the link to the official place: MineZ

      The post was edited 1 time, last by W0lf4ever ().

    • W0lf4ever wrote:

      Now let me explain a few things first:
      This is a mod for Minecraft. It's all server-side, so you don't have to download anything, just join their server.
      This is also still in Beta, which means you also have to pay if you want to test it out, BUT it will be out in about 1-2 weeks, so that's that.

      scumbag mod developers... asking money for something which will become free for people.

    • Hey, these guys created HcFactions, they are awesome, and you DON'T have to pay if you don't want to. If you think the idea is cool, you can donate to help them get quality servers up once stuff is actually ready. Simple as that. And for donating you get to try out the Beta. I don't really see a problem with that.
    • Sounds really cool, but something like this should actually be added to the actual game itself.
      As a setting. Hardcore already exists, but make some changes and add this would make it a better experience.

      But it sounds a bit insane, especially when food are hard to find and especially when health regen is gone.
    • But that's the whole fun! Imagine an actual zombie apocalypse is happening, it wouldn't be easy finding food.

      Also to add a lil' more info, you can't stack up items anymore, limiting your inventory ALOT (except arrows, you can stack 'em up to 15).
      ^If you watched the video, you already noticed that, so uh, yeah. That's all I have to say.

      OH OH OH, also, they don't burn in daylight. Mwuahahaha.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by W0lf4ever ().

    • MineZ will be free too, but yeah, both mods are fun and unique in their own way. MineZ is not a total clone of DayZ because it's still Minecraft, some things will be different. It's more medieval-themed too, while DayZ is modern.

      Actually, why not play both of them, they are both totally awesomesauce anyway.