Need you guys to answer a few questions about gaming...

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    • Need you guys to answer a few questions about gaming...


      So, I basically need to survey some people for my science fair project. I think 10+ people would be great, so if you decide to 'participate', then please continue reading!My project is called "Is There Such Thing As Too Much Gaming?" and you'll be answering questions about being affected by them. I only have six questions and you answer them with a number ranging from 1 to 5. 1 would represents not being affected by video games and 5 represents being completely affected by video games. The number system is kinda needed, so yeah..

      Here are the questions:
      • How much of your happiness in life currently is derived from playing the game?
      • How difficult would it be for you to limit your playing time?
      • Have your personal relationships suffered because of your game play?
      • Do you spend more time than you think you should playing the game?
      • Has your work/school performance suffered because of your game play?
      • Have you tried to quit the game, but were unsuccessful?

      The last question you answer with a 1 (no) and 2 (yes). And, this is just for video games in general, no specific game.

      Also, please put if you're male/female. I'll need to know that as well.

    • Male.

      How much of your happiness in life currently is derived from playing the game?

      How difficult would it be for you to limit your playing time? 3

      Have your personal relationships suffered because of your game play? 1

      Do you spend more time than you think you should playing the game? 5

      Has your work/school performance suffered because of your game play? 1

      Have you tried to quit the game, but were unsuccessful? 1 no, but I've never tried to quit gaming therefore I wasn't unsuccessful. I think if I did try I would not be able to do it, they're just such a regular part of leisure time, so...
    • How much of your happiness in life currently is derived from playing the game?
      How difficult would it be for you to limit your playing time?
      Have your personal relationships suffered because of your game play?
      Do you spend more time than you think you should playing the game?
      Has your work/school performance suffered because of your game play?
      Have you tried to quit the game, but were unsuccessful?
      No. I have successfully quit a game. But it was fucking hard.v=P
      I'm dying on the inside and he doesn't seem to care
    • I'm a male, and my answers are :
      How much of your happiness in life currently is derived from playing the game?
      How difficult would it be for you to limit your playing time?
      Have your personal relationships suffered because of your game play?
      Do you spend more time than you think you should playing the game?
      Has your work/school performance suffered because of your game play?
      Have you tried to quit the game, but were unsuccessful?
      Hello guys, my name is ZetEichAr . You want to have fun :?: You can check my YouTube channel :D
    • I'm a male; answers:

      How much of your happiness in life currently is derived from playing the game?
      How difficult would it be for you to limit your playing time?
      Have your personal relationships suffered because of your game play1
      Do you spend more time than you think you should playing the game?
      Has your work/school performance suffered because of your game play?
      Have you tried to quit the game, but were unsuccessful?
    • Female here
      How much of your happiness in life currently is derived from playing the game? 2
      How difficult would it be for you to limit your playing time? 2

      Have your personal relationships suffered because of your game play? 1
      Do you spend more time than you think you should playing the game? 2
      Has your work/school performance suffered because of your game play? 1
      Have you tried to quit the game, but were unsuccessful? 1
      Cool kids don't turn around when there is an explosion behind them.
      And if they're wearing glasses, it's even cooler.

    • Female! Woo
      How much of your happiness in life currently is derived from playing the game? 3
      How difficult would it be for you to limit your playing time? 3

      Have your personal relationships suffered because of your game play? 2
      Do you spend more time than you think you should playing the game? 4
      Has your work/school performance suffered because of your game play? 4
      Have you tried to quit the game, but were unsuccessful? 3
    • How much of your happiness in life currently is derived from playing the game?
      How difficult would it be for you to limit your playing time?
      Have your personal relationships suffered because of your game play?
      Do you spend more time than you think you should playing the game?
      Has your work/school performance suffered because of your game play?
      Have you tried to quit the game, but were unsuccessful?
      no clue…Rv9Ckjc-FBsuE2_QU6LOCL-aU-

      a very tremendous Life changing with one instrument <3
    • Female here.
      • How much of your happiness in life currently is derived from playing the game? 5.
      • How difficult would it be for you to limit your playing time? 2.
      • Have your personal relationships suffered because of your game play? 1.
      • Do you spend more time than you think you should playing the game? 5.
      • Has your work/school performance suffered because of your game play? 1. (because no.)
      • Have you tried to quit the game, but were unsuccessful? 1. (because no.)
      1. How much of your happiness in life currently is derived from playing the game? 4

      2. How difficult would it be for you to limit your playing time? 2

      3. Have your personal relationships suffered because of your game play? 1

      4. Do you spend more time than you think you should playing the game? 3

      5. Has your work/school performance suffered because of your game play? 2

      6. Have you tried to quit the game, but were unsuccessful? 1
      YouTube Twitter
      • How much of your happiness in life currently is derived from playing the game? Umm , 3 i would say.
      • How difficult would it be for you to limit your playing time? 4 :|
      • Have your personal relationships suffered because of your game play? 1
      • Do you spend more time than you think you should playing the game? 5
      • Has your work/school performance suffered because of your game play? 2, honestly i would say 3 but if it wasn't gaming it would be something else. I just don't like studying :P even thou i have good grades (idk how is that possible)
      • Have you tried to quit the game, but were unsuccessful? 1,why would i quit, i luv gaming, it's like a big part of my life.