The Weekend Post!!!(For All Weekends!)

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    • The Weekend Post!!!(For All Weekends!)

      Had this cool idea on making "THE WEEKEND POST!" For All The Bros on The Board!
      So post your awesome Weekends here, I'll start!

      :brofist: :P
      Today I woke up late because I woke up at 4am.(I used to work at 4am for this one job when I lived in PA.) My nephew had a sleep over and was up to the early wee morning hours playing Call Of Duty with his Bros. All of us ate pancakes for breakfast, my mothers famous pancakes. I have the duty of babysitting and helping my mom clean over my moms house but the kids are wired to Call Of Duty so that leaves me free to be on the board with you Bros. I cleaned my bathroom up and have to clean my room right now but later I have to practice bass guitar. I wonder what the day will be after that. Just maybe my other Nephew and my sister might be coming over. Its still the 20th , so my mom's house will be packed for the Holidays, lol, so...much...chaos! But can't wait till my nephew opens up a present of his, its a gaming chair! I don't think he has an account here on the Broboard, so he has no clue what it is, Muhahhahahahaha!