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    • I don't know foe the graphics but here's what I think the characters should be..
      1. We should have different hero and each hero have their own power to help them finish the level like freeze super speed teleport and stuff like that
      2. We should have some boss level not just running and jumping to finish the level like you would have to fight some badass boss to win the game
      3.There should be a store where we can buy stuff to make our hero look nicer and cooler
      4. There should be buff we can get in the game like a barrel is a slowness stephan like a defensive shied pewdiepie as a heal or smth
      5. When we finish the game we could have like a custom level where u can customers how hard it's going to be and stuff like fnaf2
    • Maybe you do a game where the objective is to retrieve the bro fist from the Falcon Lovers. On the way you have to defeat commom enemies like barrels and ducks for example and avoid obstacles. For example: Haters like a random person walking up to the character that's ready to take you down. Idk. That's just what I was thinking about. Lol.
    • Edgar has to be your soul mate.. like the fairy and Link (Zelda).
      The BROFIST should be totally your ultimate skill.
      Maybe facing others YouTubers can be very exiting. Like putting Mark, Cry, Ken and Jack as BOSSES (and of course they all own minions).
      Marzia and Maya should be the Final BOSS and there is where the story makes a turn, Pewds realease the evil within all YouTubers and fight another BOSS made of a spirit of a Duck with a Barrel Armor that had possesed your friends.

      SPOILER Pewds marries Marzia.

      Srry for bad english. BROFIST! :brofist:
      F*king Lagg man!
    • Okay, I literally never comment on videos and things ever, but I thought this was important enough to say something. Pewds, please don't let this game turn into some weird trip with no story or meaning. Give it a purpose and meaning. Maybe make it something with the same feel as Journey or Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons. Sure the ducks and other random ideas would be funny, but I don't think those elements alone would make a great game. Maybe include stuff like that, but don't make it a huge part of the game. Thanks for reading.
    • 1. Brofist abillity obviously...
      2. Sanic abillity.
      3. Maybe a Falcon lover that gives you missions .
      4. The amnesia monster to be one of the bosses.
      5. Stephano statues you can collect.
      6. Edgar that follows you and maybe has his own skills...
      7. And the story can be something to do with getting out of this game youre trapped inside.

      Thats it i hope you will use some of these advices and im looking forward see the game ;)
      Brofist! :brofist:
    • Just saw the video and thought i could share some of my ideas ^^
      Things you could maybe put in the game:
      - Puga
      - Edgar
      - Marzia
      - Alfie
      - Ducks
      - Stephano
      - Girafe

      - Pewdiepie in rage mode what makes him really strong
      - Puga and Edgar can help you by giving you hints
      - A kiss from Marzia makes pewdiepie fly

      - Barrels
      - Haters

    • Dont read (mindtrick now u haev to reed it)

      Companion - Maya she can auto-attack enemies and heal you with pug love
      ULTRA EPIC ABILITY, is DEUTSCHLAND! where you scream DEUTSCHLAND and then Edgar appears, buff and muscular and shit. and he just knock the shit out of enemies.
      enemies and bosses:
      Irresponsible dad and timmy,
      five nights at freddys enemies
      you get the point.
      and final boss must be Falcon lover
      Im a banana
    • for the game plz read or i will cry and that on youtube is me A M Gaming

      have coins and cash 2 difrent types of money and have caracters:
      Dragon Ball Z Goku -100 cash Ability Shot electric ball
      Enemys:minishrums like big human mooshrome if you remeber in minecraft ability:charge at you :D
      Skelozombs harf skeletons and harf zombies ability shot arrows
      weapons for the chapter confeti gun ability:shot rainbow particles that explode on touch
      rain-bow weapon that is the legendary one 10000 cash shot the nyan cat what deals tons of damage
      beginers 10 coins pistol delas 3-4 cricital
      Sword Of Awesomnes this is the legendary sword 10000 coins it flashes in blue color and have green particles if you attack with it that shot energy arrow and it deals tonss of damage when attacking (not ranged)
      Bosses:Wither flying 3 headet black skeleton that fly and shot black skulls
      Giant is a boss that is big zombie if it touch you you fly in the air and take some fall damage coins can be get by slaing moshrumes skelebrains nad zombls and cash from hard mobs and bosses
      That is it from me plz pewds replay something
      for pictures find on google or wait for me so i make skins for them ;) :D :O
      =O and that on youtube is me A M Gaming
    • Hey, Pewds! I'm thinking that there could be rage traps, you know, tricks, and the story could be kind of absurd. Like, what if the character fell into a pit of lava, but when he died, a princess appeared and changed the ending? A story with multiple endings, crazy plot twists, irritating obstacles, and an enjoyable soundtrack would be so cool. I just thought of something -- it's really iffy -- but what if at the end, when it said, "The End," any bro who wanted to could record their voice saying those two words and all of the recordings got overlayed? And for people who can't talk, they could write it down and all of the writings would be there. I don't know, just an idea. I'm really looking forward to it, Pewds!
      Story: Something about Bob accidentally killing a duck, then the Duck God trows Bob into a portal to a some world whit a pink background! Now you can play as Bob and experience a "epic" adventure!

      Powers: Normal power is that ayou trow up on people! :D If you Charge you can POOP on them:D
      I want makeup powerup that you can be FABULOUS!

      Characters: Bob, MrChair, Edgar and Maya, Obama(after fabulizer), Chan and Miley cyrus.
    • I was thinking in a horror RPG game, like Mad Father, and Pewds entered a mission where he needs to rescue the Bro Army ( Stephano, Piggeh, and the others), and when he finds a caracter, the caracter gives him a letter. In the end, Pewds will have a lot of letters and needs to make a word. That word will be the key to get out from the haunted house.
      Thank you Pewds for starting this ^^
    • Pewds! i would like you to have the ability to fart brofists like this :brofist: to help you jump or fly and have like a falcon punch but a Brofist Punch that is a brofist on fire and and have a companion that is......cinammon toast ken as a toast or Mr.chair (to bring back the old times ) and the characters wich are the good ones i would like to see is Markiplier,jacksepticeye,cinammon toast ken (your companion through the game) and the story i would like you to have is you are playing on your pc recording and suddenly a future pewds tell's you to run because fans are coming to chase you and they are coming fast so levels need to have a time limit so better be fast SANIC!! FAST!!
      and add that to the powers too after collecting enought broenergy you can press a button and have SANIC!! FAST!! speed to finsh the game quickly or just make your life even harder and the enemys would be the reverse pewdiepie a pewds that is yellow and has blue hair (because reasons) and has a shirt wich has a brofist upside down and colored dark blue inside and light blue outside to make reverse better and he is the boss and also in one of the levels you can get a septiceye which you can ride and stick on walls with and shoot green blobs of goo and small enemys that are barrels roaming around the level and you can kill them with your weapon the Brosword of Broness of all the Bro'ss!!!........ and after the game ends you are greeted with the cheer and exitement of all of your youtube buddies and i would suggest for the background to be just explosins when you destroy a barrels and you can collect bronergy to gane SANIC!! FAST!! speed from ducks you can fined in the game and that is all of me now hope you see this and have A BROFIST!!! :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup: :brofist: :brofist: :brofist: :brofist: :brofist: :brofist: :brofist: :brofist: :brofist: :brofist: :brofist: :brofist: :brofist: :brofist: :brofist: :brofist: :brofist: :brofist:
    • I think maybe make it like an RPG style game. You go around the map to search for certain characters who give you their special abilities after you defeat them (e.g. fireballs, flying for 10sec, etc.). You could also search for hidden passages which require you to complete a mini game. Once completing the mini game, it will give you even cooler special abilities (e.g. teleportation). But of course, you have to go searching for this. And it goes without saying that you'll need a health bar and a limit bar for the special abilities. Perhaps the point of the game is to save a damsel in distress or just to save the world from evil (yes this is very Zelda/Final Fantasy inspired).

      I think an RPG style game will allow it to be very extensive. However, some other people have been commenting mario style ideas as well which could also allow for an extensive game.
    • It needs to have a silly story,not just like totally random but still with a funny factor,something like Conker's Bad Fur Day's story.Of course as enemies we need every running joke on pewds' channel ever.Everything from ducks to barrels.Also should have lots of easter eggs,cause it would be funny to see some from time to time.Next the interface...cause i see you're going for a retro kinda style,you should take games like Super Mario 3 for reference when making the interface,or Megaman X. It shouldn't be linear,you should give the player a freedom of choosing the path in the game,and also to replay already done levels.Also you should have bosses that give you some kind of an upgrade,either armor,extra health,new weapons....that's all i got for now,if i think of anything else i will come back :D
    • Video Bot wrote:

      Have you seen LETS MAKE A GAME! yet?</br>
      If not, go check it out by clicking here: <a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NDmEcNjYW90&amp;amp;feature=youtube_gdata" class="externalURL" rel="nofollow">youtube.com/watch?v=NDmEcNjYW90&amp;amp;feature=youtube_gdata</a></br>
      Feel free to use this thread for commenting on the video.

      Here is my idea

      Enemies: Barrels, Bro, UNTRUSTED statues, Freddy (five nights at freddy's), The Marionette (five nights at freddy's), Sachiko (Corpse Party), Illumanti, Golden Freddy (five nights at freddy's) and then (plot Twist) EDGARCharacters: Pewdiepie, Cry, Stephano and KenAbilities: ULTRA BRO FIST, Pug toss(Throws Edgar or Maya), STEPHANOOOOOO (Summons Stephano), Youtubers UNITE! (Cry, Ken and Pewdiepie all team up and begin to shoot letter/numbers), The Call Of the Plain White Fields Of Africa (Summons Falcon Lover to attack for 30 seconds and HE IS POWERFUL), RAGE BLOW/RAGE MODE!(He gains 20 seconds of rage which makes him 20% more powerful)Story: The evil Barrel King STOLE Mazia and pewdiepie has to save her with only 2 pugs by his side, the help of some youtubers and some help from his Bro friends. He must defeat many diffrent enemies but the barrel king will never let you keep her you must defeat 10 bosses including the barrel king to save her