iConomy and ChestShop tutorial

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  • iConomy and ChestShop tutorial

    Herro. If you are new to the Minecraft Project Pew server, you'll find that reading this thread will be useful.

    It's an economy plugin, it adds a currency to the game, makes it easier to trade and whatnot.
    You get from 1$ to 2$ per minute, and to check how much money you have, you just have to type /money.
    To give someone money, you type /money pay <name> <amount>.
    To earn additional money, you can can trade Items with other players. And to make trading a bit easier, there's the ChestShop plugin.

    A plugin that allows allows players make their own chests to buy or sell items. You don't even have to be in the server to trade! Just set up your own shop, and leave this plugin do all the action.

    To create your own ChestShop, place a chest on the ground (obviously), then place a sign right next to the chest.
    The sign works like this: The first line is empty (it fills in automatically), the second line is the amount you want to sell (1-64), the third line is the price for the item (The price you are selling your items for:The price you are buying the items for), the fourth line is the item's name or ID. An example:

    You don't have to type in the ID of the item you want to sell - you can just type in the name too, f.e. Diamond.
    If you want to check out what ID a certain item has, use the command /iteminfo to find out what's the ID of the item in your hand. Or you can also do /iteminfo <ID> to find out the name of the item of that ID or /iteminfo <name> to find out the ID of an item if you don't have it in your hands.

    The result of the example above:

    If you click the left mouse button, you will sell 1 Blaze Rod for 50$ and if you click the right mouse button, you will buy 1 Blaze Rod for a 100$.
    If you don't want to buy any items, just remove the Sell price in the third line at all (The price you are selling your items for:The price you are buying the items for) and vice-versa:

    In the above example, you can only sell your blaze rods for 50$.

    Commands mentioned:
    |Shows you the amount of money you have
    /money pay <name> <amount> |Pays someone a certain amount of money
    /iteminfo |Shows the id of the item in your hand
    /iteminfo <id> |Shows the name of the item
    /iteminfo <name> |Shows the ID of the item

    Thanks for reading, have a fun time in the Project Pew Minecraft server!

    The post was edited 2 times, last by W0lf4ever ().