Web Development Shop-Talk

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    • Web Development Shop-Talk

      This thread is for any other Web Developers/Designers out there to share either their work, as questions, or share cool new ideas, tricks, SaaS stuff, whatever. Just to talk about what you think is cool in the Web Development (and even Design if you feel so inclined) field. For example, if you find a new framework you love or just a cool article you think everyone should read.

      I am a Web Developer/Designer, I enjoy most of the front-end work the best, but I do enjoy using Node.JS w/ ExpressJS to create the backend systems for the websites I build. But, on a front-end note, here are my top three Front-End Frameworks:

      Top Three Front-End Frameworks:
      1. PureCSS - No JS Components, as the name suggests, it is just CSS so it makes it a great compact framework. Yahoo manages this framework and has a fairly decent sized OpenSource community on GitHub. I've used it enough to add a pull request to add Column Shuffling as a feature. Best part, in my opinion, of using PureCSS is that they believe in defining only the basic styling you'd need, so that you can just declare what styling you want instead of having to overwrite all their default styles... it's amazing.
      2. GroundworkCSS - Another semi-lightweight framework. However, this framework does use some JS to give more responsive features like responsive text.
      3. Bootstrap - As the biggest name, it does have it's merit as being one of the best. I haven't started using it too much at the current moment, as GroundworkCSS and PureCSS were very nice to work with. But, as I will talk about more below, Bootstrap has a Google Material theme, and I wanted to use components of Google's design language to enhance our company's website.

      Google's New Design "Language" - Introduction - Material design - Google design guidelines
      If you haven't heard, Google has create a new design "language" of sorts, called Material. It is more of a design guide, than a language, but the amount of detail Google goes into about what you should and shouldn't do if you are going to add something to your design is invaluable. Ever designer should give it a read and keep it as a reference for anything they make in the future. Even if you don't use their "Card Display" design, everything still applies.


      Cheers fellas!

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Strawhat ().