IQ test made by me for all pewds bro's! :)

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    • IQ test made by me for all pewds bro's! :)

      Question 1:
      I will say a sentence after this sentence that it will be true.
      The sentence i've said before is false.
      1. Whats the answer?
      Question 2:
      If God have unlimited power, can he lift something even heavier than his powers can reach the unlimited?
      Explain myself: God have so much unlimited power that he could create a heavy item that could reach his unlimited powers and make him impossible to lift?
      1. Whats the answer?
      Question 3:
      If i go to the past, and kill myself and i see him and he see's me eye to eye, would i disappear just before i kill my self or after?
      1. Whats the answer?

      I'll leave you pewds with this ones, and have a great day! :)
    • question 1:
      the first sentence says the second is true though the second says the first is false though if the second is true the first would be false but the first say the second is true so if it is false the second is false too wich would made the first one true saying the second is true etc... so it is a paradoxe or something like that. though even if the first one is false it doesn't mean the second one has to be false but the first one can't be true this way...

      Nope xD

      question 3:
      It would create a loop because to be able to kill yourself you would have to be able to travel to the past but you wouldn't have been able to do it if you were dead so i guess before?