What Are YOU Thankful For?

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    • What Are YOU Thankful For?

      I am aware that not every Bro lives in America, or even celebrates Thanksgiving, but you should still be thankful for something right? Not everyone has everything we do and sometimes we forget how lucky we really are. Life is full of challenges, but every moment seems worth living. Family, friends, having somewhere to live, food and water.... some of us know it as everyday life, when others DON'T EVEN HAVE THAT.

      First of all I am thankful for my family. They are there through everything, and 2014 has been a pretty tough year for us so far. In February my grandpa had a seizure, I was in school that day and didn't know about it until school was out and I was on my way home on the bus. I got a text from my mom, but her and my grandma were already on their way following him to a city 2 hours away from where I live now. I was not happy that day, I was worried sick. Anything can happen in a moment, and sometimes you never see it coming. It's crazy.

      Since then my grandpa can't walk anymore, his right side is completely shot and he can't move his right arm and leg anymore. He is still in the hospital today, getting physical therapy and everything. He also has had some hard times, he was even sent to a hospice, the doctors have thought he wouldn't make it, but he has proven them wrong so far. We were excited to see him for Thanksgiving, he was allowed to visit home but then he came down with pneumonia. He can't come home now, which is sad. I never had a Thanksgiving when he wasn't around and he would always help make the turkey, I know he will not be happy with this right now, since Thanksgiving is tomorrow, but what can you do?

      This year, a few months ago, my mom has also lost her job because of her knee. It seems she has damaged cartilage, and eventually she will need surgery. My mom has always had jobs where she had always stood up for like 9 hours, she never really had a desk job. She is trying to get one now, but she isn't finding one. I am hoping she gets one, and I am definitely going to find a job to help out with the lack of money issue. It is a tough ride. We are living though.

      I have a roof over my head, clothes to wear, and food and water. That is more than most people. Thanksgiving and Christmas is one of the biggest holidays to see the homeless people out, especially if it is here and it gets really cold and snows. That is really sad. I would love to work in a soup kitchen and help out, I don't know if there is one around here, and if there isn't well need to do something... In middle school we would make blankets for the homeless, that was really cool. I can't make clothes or anything myself sadly, I would still do it otherwise.

      Friends. That is a big one for me. I have moved so much in my life and have friends scattered in quite a few places. At least I make them. Friends are important. Thank God for cell phones and the day I don't have that, yay internet with Facebook and then my Deviant Art friends as well.
      :D Also I am glad for this website, Broarmy is awesome.

      There is a lot of awesome people here, meeting other Bros and talking to them is like a need for me these days. I haven't missed a day of being in the chats yet, maybe tomorrow since it is Thanksgiving but yeah that will be a first. Bros are definite friends here, and I know there are some that I haven't met yet. That is okay
      ^^ If you want to meet me I will be in the chats most of the time. I will shut up now. If you are in America like me, Happy Thanksgiving because I might not be here tomorrow, to the rest well have a good day anyway!
      We are the fortunate ones that never faced oppression's gun