When will Pewds and Marzia marry?

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    • When will Pewds and Marzia marry?

      Three years they have been together (I think) when will he ask her to marry???? PEWDIEPIE ANSWER MEH! Will it be in the future when their stardom is over so it isn't publicized or....
      I don't know, they are a cute couple. I hope they marry, they 're perfect for eachother :)
      After Tuesday, even the calender goes W T F ;)
    • I could not tell you when, but I could tell you a few things that you could think about. ♥

      Maybe they don't want to marry some people have a fear of commitment. ♥
      Why does he have to ask her? We are not in the 19th century she could ask him if she really wanted. ♥
      Maybe they don't believe in marriage. ♥♥
      Maybe they don't see the point to marriage and don't see it any different from being boyfriend and girlfriend. ♥
      Maybe they have their own reasons they just don't talk about online.
      Or maybe they are taking it very slow because they want to know just about everything about each other that way their marriage does not end bad. ♥♥♥
    • The are a fabulous couple and all the Bros and Marzipans hope to see them stay together forever and get married in time but dear lord why must people pester than about getting married O_O

      Noone likes to be put on the spot like that imagine if a random person asked your girlfriend/boyfriend all the time in front of you so when you getting married haha

      I totally understand as I am getting married and people just need to leave the couple alone to do things in their own time whether its an engagement, a wedding or babies. :thumbup: