There are so many replica PewDiePie channels!

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    • There are so many replica PewDiePie channels!

      I'm only posting this because there's been a few times I've clicked on "PewDiePie" videos in the suggested vids box and they've turned out to be from fake channels that duplicate the look of his channel/vid thumbnails and upload all his videos when he does - and I am guessing they have their accounts set up to collect revenue from it aswell.

      Doing a PewDiePie channel search shows loads: pewdiepie - YouTube

      I tried to flag one of the channels but turns out when you choose the reason for flagging as impersonation, the only options you get is like "someone is impersonating me" or "someone is impersonating a company I represent" basically, it sounds like only Felix can flag them himself.

      There's even channel I found that claims he's from Africa and stealing pewds' vids and collecting the revenue from views are the only way he feeds his family :S
      I'm a YouTuber/programmer/gamer/mathematician (and of course) bro :brofist:
    • haha you dont really need to address this, like i mean what do you expect? He is the biggest youtuber on youtube. Plus I hate to say it, but the "new" fans will eat that kind of stuff up even if it was expired..
      Plus it's their fault,
      if it doesnt have a "v" for verified next to Pewdiepie's name that's just sad if you believe it.

      Blah, blah bring back amnesia and old poodz.
    • yerboi wrote:

      haha you dont really need to address this, like i mean what do you expect? He is the biggest youtuber on youtube. Plus I hate to say it, but the "new" fans will eat that kind of stuff up even if it was expired..
      Plus it's their fault,
      if it doesnt have a "v" for verified next to Pewdiepie's name that's just sad if you believe it.


      Pewdiepie can actually just ask youtube to delete the accounts but he doesn't really care that much probably.
    • I find it annoying and down right rude. The ones that do just take pewds video and then upload to their page, with pewds name and all. They can't even be called fans of pewds since they don't even creadit him and his work. Which in my opinion is wrong. If someone has spent that many hours doing a video of which we find fun or entertaining then why does that give the right for other people to steal that persons work.

      Now I'm sure Pewds aren't as harmed by this, seeing as he is still big and have great fan base. Still I just can't help but wonder how many other youtubers (who isn't as famous as Pewds) what kind of hell it must be when someone just up and steals their video and use it for themselves. THAT is the root of the problem I want to bring up.

      Just because Pewds doesn't have this problem doesn't mean a lot of other people aren't having them. But because they are not so widely know they get cast to the side as other people use their creative works for their own purpose.
    • Pewdie doesn't focus on the people who copy his videos and post them online. I mean, if he gave a damn, he would have gotten them deleted by now. As long as the faker isn't getting money for his videos, from one point of view, it's fine. Sure, there are copyright issues and impersonation is a problem, but there's basically nothing we can do except report the offending person.
      I'd rather live with broken bones than lay here all on my own like a lovesick fool.

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