1 They're coming to get Pewds !! Oct 28th 2014, 6:09pm Protect Pewds !!! The army of ducks is gathering more groups to take him and kill him !!!! O: How will you protect Pewds from this threat ??
2 Oct 28th 2014, 7:27pm You'd need "The power of a thousand bro-fists" to take all of them out. Or just a really big net gun. Or just a gun. Or get Pewds as the leader of all ducks, to ward them off.
4 Oct 30th 2014, 5:40pm I think that two shepherd pugs would make it "Smile at the day and it will smile back at you. Maybe even eat your face if you're lucky."~~
5 Oct 30th 2014, 6:09pm This TOTALLY made my day xD Anyways, I'd say: why protect him? I mean this is the best thing that could happen to anybody apparently.