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    • Pewds ! The community of Tibia need you ! In one of your videos you said that you were playing Tibia for a long time and that it was your childhood... Thats exactly what Tibia is for me ! I play this game for 8 years now, but Tibia is about to die because of the fact that not enough people play this game ;( There are 20k active players atm and 5k of them are probably botting, but Cipsoft cant ban them because this botters buying Premium account and stuff, so they support Cipsoft with keeping Tibia alive some how... So please ! Advertise this game ! Show it on one of your videos and make people play this game again ! If the number of players goes down like it does now.. It might be that Tibia wont excist in the future (maybe 3-5 years).. Please Pewds ! If you read this, help the community of Tibia !

      You could rescue this game...