Whenever I'm feeling down in some way, I usually turn to Pewds videos. He has the ability to make me smile and laugh, no matter how bad I might be feeling. He has also opened me up to finding more Youtubers. Before I never cared much for Youtube, and I didn't understand the big deal about the website. But because I watched him so much, I decided to give others to try. (Marzia also played a major part in this.) So without him, and Marzia, I'd had never found other favorites of mine. He just brings me a lot of happiness and strength.
manda + 22 + delaware
[ j y u u b i . o r g ] [ t w i t t e r ] [ i n s a g r a m ]
[ j y u u b i . o r g ] [ t w i t t e r ] [ i n s a g r a m ]