Youtubers Beginners Guide

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  • Youtubers Beginners Guide

    Hi guys, I would like to help out all Bros with this guide, I hope it's of use for you.

    And yes, I'm a small Youtuber myself, But that wont stop you from reading now would it?
    You need to have every of those qualifications to become a good watchable Youtuber.

    1 - Desire And Motivation
    This comes before everything, before the equipments.. before everything.
    Ask yourself, Do i want to do this? do i want to become a youtuber? is there fire burning inside of you?!
    are you willing to create videos and put'em on youtube?

    2 - Why Do You Want To Become a Youtuber?
    You have to have a reason why you want to become a youtuber and upload videos.
    Some people do it for money and fame, Some do it just for the joy of it. ...etc
    Let's say money and fame wont succeed as much as people who're doing it for joy.

    3 - Being Prepared For What's Coming
    You should know... That being a youtuber is not an easy task, It's not as simple as uploading videos and such.
    You need :

    To be :

    Unique : you're content that you upload, Should resemble yourself, a lot of games/vlogers out there are the same, Don't copy anyone, just be yourself.
    Yes, sometimes being yourself is boring or not entertaining enough, but after a while you'll start to open up. every Youtuber starts shy and bottled up.

    Hardworking : Without Hard work. you won't go anywhere. Youtube is all about hardworking, Where editing your voice and video and creating your thumbnails...etc by being...

    Creative : Being creative is connected with being unique, The way you edit your videos and how you get your content out there, the way you entertain people, or the way you educate them.
    Consistent : Don't give up uploading, I know it's hard to keep your motivation up. but you have to be consistent, Your subscribers subscribed to you because they liked what they saw, so if you stop... there's no reason to be subscribed to.

    To Have :

    Time : Time is what the least of us have, but if you're serious about this, then make time for Youtube in your life. Make a schedule when you'd be uploading videos,

    If you were a gamer : at least 5 videos a week. (Recommended a video every day) due Pressure.

    Equipments : of course, you can't do anything without the proper equipments, the costs shouldn't be too high or too low, Average. Good enough to see you in HD or to hear you crystal clear, or both depending on what kind of videos you'll make.

    4 - Channel Name
    Come up with a Name/Channel name ( Recommended Yourself/YourTeam) for a Gaming Channel i'd recommend to name it yourself. Avoid numbers in names and make it easy and catchy.

    5 - Your Gear
    - Decent Computer
    - Microphone (Recommended) [ I use CAD U37 USB Studio Condenser ]
    - Camera (Optional)
    - Video/Audio Recording Software [ I use FRAPS]
    - Voice Recording Software [ I use Audacity ]
    - Video Editing Software [ I use Sony vegas ]
    - Thumbnail Editing Software [ I use CS Adobe Photoshop ]

    6 - Before you Start Playing/Recording
    you're going to use some tools for that :
    - Microphone (Recommended)
    - Camera (Optional)
    - Video/Audio Recording Software
    - Voice Recording Software

    Do not record the footage and your voice at the same time, Usually the game would be louder than your voice, and your voice wont be at good quality condition, and there's nothing you can do to fix it afterwards.
    The footage should be recorded with (Video/Audio Recording Software ), Your voice should be recorded with (Voice Recording Software)
    note : with that you could remove the background noise and make your voice better than ever
    keep the voice recording of the Camera for Voice backup (If you were using it). Make sure you're recording with the right microphone and all the sofwares are recording during your gameplay/ ..etc

    7 - After You Played/Recorded
    You're going to use some tools for what you recorded :
    - Video Editing Software
    - Voice Recording Software
    - Thumbnail Editing Software

    1/Edit your Voice with (Voice Recording Software), Remove the background noise, Make it crystal clear.
    Note: Some audio can't be edited like clicks and taps, Remove them With (Video Editing Software).
    2/Sync Voice, Video/Audio, Camera(If used) With (Video Editing Software) - Be creative an unique.
    3/Make a proper thumbnail - Be creative and unique.

    8 - Upload The Video
    Be sure that you watched your video before uploading the video, to see if there are any mistakes.
    Be sure to have an interesting/informing title and description - Be creative and unique.

    9 - Quality before Quantity
    Even though you have to be consistent in making videos, but your subscribers will always prefer quality, meaning you have to put your best effort in every video before uploading it, Which could lead you to falling asleep or even bigger priorities, but that doesn't mean stop uploading at least not for too long.

    Thank you for reading, i hope this helped. i'm sorry if i missed out anything, inform me if i did and i'll update.

    P.S for mods/admins ( if this is the wrong section please put it in the right one instead of deleting the thread)