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      If you aren't already aware of my signature link, da guy inside da poncho and underneath the pink sombrero does artsy fartsy stuff
      So a couple days ago I tried to do that really sped up art thing people do on YouTube and this be result


      Final image isn't great, this was more to do with trying to see whether my Labby (its what I call my laptop ever since I met someone) could handle being able to record while Photoshop runs. Its also to see how much fast (inb4Sanicreference) is needed to fit vid in 10 mins... I try to limit to 10 mins cuz I don't want huge chunks of gigs suddenly being eaten by videos.

      Feel free to criticize the vid, my horrid art or even my pink text I use on forum. That's all :3

      Second Vid is up, as like before, feel free to criticize the horrid artworks, the vid or me in general, I dunno.


      "When life gives you bullets... ME! CORMANO!"
      Visit meh on deviantART and see all my horrible art stuff
      ChronoPinoyX deviantART

      The post was edited 2 times, last by CORMANO ().

    • I'm that kinda person that really envies other artists... so expect me to be the worst critic of my own stuff...

      That said, thanks very much for the morale boost, I just managed to finish a second piece of artwork which has a slightly better quality than the one I just posted. Expect it round the weekends cuz I'm waiting for my submission limits to disappear in deviantART >_>

      "When life gives you bullets... ME! CORMANO!"
      Visit meh on deviantART and see all my horrible art stuff
      ChronoPinoyX deviantART
    • Excuse the double post, I've uploaded the second vid :3


      I kept the timer on this time to show how long it took, the timer is set on HH:MM:SS format (Hours:Mins:Seconds in case people don't know). Timer resets to show when I go back to recording. Problem right now is I dunno whether its worth keeping it up cuz it looks tiny as feckles... I'd get a new timer but doing so means synchronizing everything and what not.

      The artwork is up on my gallery like before, feel free to criticize the terribad work or whatever, feel free to criticize the video as well, and if you want, just criticize me in general I dunno. I'll put vid on OP so people can just clickity click it to see it.

      "When life gives you bullets... ME! CORMANO!"
      Visit meh on deviantART and see all my horrible art stuff
      ChronoPinoyX deviantART
    • Your art is actually really good! I like how you color your work , It's lovely~

      And I'd have to agree that we artists are our own worst critics and a likely emotion usually ties to it is envy.
      However buddy! if you start feeling down or begin to doubt yourself, remember these people started from scratch and invested their time and effort to master their craft ~

      Everyone has their own cup of tea, a preferred artstyle.

      Therefore, your art is also as good as every artists out there!

      Keep up the good work bud!