!n00Bro k3nB brofists y'all a greeting!

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    • !n00Bro k3nB brofists y'all a greeting!

      How's it going, bros? My name is k3nB.

      This thread was supposed to be my first post here, but I couldn't possibly write this all up while Pewds was putting up new videos that I was itching to comment about, so I'm going to settle for the 5th post, considering 5 is my favourite number. I've been a bro for a little less than half a year, a fairly new bro compared to the lot of you, so I guess you could call me a n00Bro. (get it? hahaha ehrm...) Of course, I've heard about PewDiePie long before, especially while my younger brother is a gamer himself - he was a bro long before me. You really can't admit to not hearing the name 'PewDiePie' at least once, unless you've been living under a YouTube rock. Yet I never really took much interest into checking out any of his videos before.

      The first proper introduction I really had to PewDiePie was through that Elders React episode over on TheFineBros channel (and by extension, the YouTuber's React to 'Try to Watch This Without Laughing or Grinning'). {HOOK} I'll tell you this: for a stranger, a montage further cut short by a React episode wouldn't be the best introduction or first impression. There was no real background, build-up, or explanation to his humour while the elders were reacting so I'll admit I shared the same thoughts as the majority of them. But mostly, I was just really, really confused, sitting there and wondering who this person was, what was so funny, and why he was swearing a lot. And then of course, a related video brought me to his reaction over the Elder's react. It made me smile a bit, but at that point I was still a bit wary and suspicious to really be immersed in the humour. The quick talk at the end of that video warmed me up a bit, though - the understanding stance and the encouragement for the 'bros' to understand, too. It was the first sense of a person behind the persona.

      The next time I visited PewDiePie was one night while I was extremely bored and flipping through YouTube. I ended up with different YouTubers' omegle videos and while I was watching Shane and Joey's, appalled at what I was seeing, I thought, 'Hey, there was that other guy, too. The one who kinda looks and curses like Shane, but definitely a lot nicer...what was his name again?' (Yep, pretty much proves how little I knew of Pewds back then. I swear they look nothing alike to me now.) So, with that, I ended up looking through PewDiePie's Omegle videos. {LINE} I was just so impressed at the palpable love and admiration the bros had to show for Pewds and there I was also educated about the brofist. The only negative thing I saw out of it was the countless related videos of fans flipping through other bros to be able to chat with Pewds and how they were treating each other...but that's a thoughtful post for another time.

      Needless to say, I didn't need much convincing to look PewDiePie up the next time I had nothing to do - which was in an internet cafe one day. I'm not much of a gamer, especially as FPS games makes me dizzy so easily when the screen moves too much, so I spent hours there going through the only videos I was interested in watching at that time - the 'Fridays with PewDiePie' collection. {ANNND SINKER} Everybody else was wondering what was up with me constantly brofist-ing the computer. (Yes, I have never missed a brofist in any PewDiePie video since then, folks. People can just stare all they want.) That was the day I hit 'Subscribe' and officially became a bro. That is the reason 'Pewds does Everything' and 'Fridays with PewDiePie' will always be special, entertaining series to me. Since then, I've opened up to watching some of his other videos and the most recent gaming ones. 'Fridays with PewDiePie' only comes out once a week and yet, not always every week or even on schedule. (Felix! Get that sched straight! I want to see more 'Fridays with PewDiePie' and such vlogs and videos with your girlfriend. And bring back 'Pewds Does Everything' :thumbsup: ) So for the rest of the week, what else could sate my boredom? I still don't like first-person games, but I can endure them when I watch Pewds play them because I enjoy the comedic narration he provides. I'm still learning a lot of bro-references that I have to pick up on like the thing with barrels and Stephano, but I'm starting to feel part of the group already.

      I became a bro because of Felix's personality before I became a fan of his gaming personality and allowed myself to fully immerse in his humour. I think Felix is a sweet, good guy and I can see how he's matured into an admirable guy since his earlier days (not that he wasn't a good guy back then, he just matured more - it's obvious and makes you so proud to watch his growth) yet keeping that same sense of humour we all enjoy. I adore how he treats his girlfriend, Marzia and all his fans, us bros. I'm a Bro, a fan, an admirer, and a Marzipan - and I'm proud of it. That was the essay story of how I got drafted into the broarmy and this is my introduction.

      I'm Kyla.
      I like to read and I like to write.
      I'm fond of anime and murder mysteries.
      My favourite subject is Algebra.
      I'm 18 years old, and currently residing in the Philippines.
      Brofist from the Philippines y'all!
      :brofist: Stay awesome bros! (maahaaa~) :brofist:
      (feel free to stop by and leave a brofist, local or international, plenty of brofists to go around for everyone!)
      -comments, criticism, discussions, and reactions of any sort are welcome here, but please maintain politeness and respect to everybody-