Quirkiness of Japanese games!!

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    • Quirkiness of Japanese games!!

      Japan has presented us with a HELL lot of crazy stuff. Weird movies, never seen before advertisements, and that doesn't leave games too. There are many games that have strange worlds, mind boggling plots, and crazy characters with crazy body proportions!!
      In Bayonetta, she has a literal hair suit, and uses it as weapon, and not to forget her High Heels Gun
      Hideo Kojima, the master of dramas, adds humor in the must unimaginable ways! Psycho Mantis fight, The Sorrow's fight and the reveal of MGS V! *phew*
      Not only that, we have Persona 4, where high school study history in day, and fight monsters at night!

      What more quirky things have you found in Japanese games?
    • In the game Ar tonelico Qoga, one of the main girls has a power to turn enemies into cakes. It's not one of those acquired skills ingame but it's really her powers. Oh, and the girls has to strip to increase their powers.

      Lollipop Chainsaw, a cheerleader zombie hunter with a boyfriend who's just a head.

      Drakengard and Drakengard 3, not so typical characters (one of the characters is a bloodthirsty psychopath) band together not to save the world but just to tag along for the ride (following the main characters wherever he/she goes).