What has Pewds done for you?

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    • What has Pewds done for you?

      Personally, when I was in a tough spot I'd get on YouTube and watch a PewDiePie video.
      It didn't matter if it was old or new, because I need a distraction-a small thing to make me smile.
      That's what Pewds did for me.
      His videos cheered me up when everything else fell apart and twisted.
      I'm really thankful to him. I wished I could do something-anything to say that I was thankful, . . . so I told everyone I could in the year of 2012.
      I wanted to share that with everyone I knew, but not everyone got it. . .
      I loved YouTube Pewds.
      Because he uploaded or updated when I was alone in room with a stranger, in a place I didn't know.
      And now, everythings much better, and I still love him for those videos, as well as these. ^^
      for today to be better than yesterday,
      and tomorrow better than today . . .

      Thank you very much for your time.
      -QuietQuilla :brofist: