What do you think about all the hate Marzia has been getting?

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    • I think people will always target those of whom they feel jealous etc. Public figures tend to cop it because they are there, they are easy targets, and a lot of people find it easy to forget that public figures are humans just like any of us. I personally do not know how one would cope with so much attention. It takes a strong person, that's for sure! It's silly, childish, attention seeking, and unfounded.
    • Fellow bros and marziapans, We MUST stop this!

      We cannot be having this kind of stuff happen to our beloved god and goddess (Gaming and comedy wise, that is.). We gotta come up with some plan to stop them. This not only pisses me off, It worries me. When people receive tons of hate, sometimes they snap under the pressure and end up suiciding due to sadness. This is NOT what we want.Come along bros, Lets stop these haters with HARD CORE STOPPAGE.
    • Whatever I could do for Marzia & Pewds. Actaully I never thought she would have haters. She's great and kawai stuff. Whenever I see haters of pewds and people associated to them, I just ignore them but sometimes go against their bored-driven minds. When I have the stress of the day, I just watch pewds and it all goes out the window. I take my daily dose of Pewd's Meds and Marzia is Feliz 'anti-stress meds' too so I would hate it if Marzia would also fly out of the picture because of the haters. They're fighting this so I think we should fight for them too. I feel like Pewds was here for us. Maybe It's time for us to be there for them. We got your back Pewds! Brofist! :)
    • I guess I don't really always realize how much hate their is for someone because of their success. There will always be those that are jealous or think that it should be them, or crazy fan girls/boys screaming that it should be them being loved instead of the current partner. My typical course of action is to ignore things like that, and not feed into them. Most folk like that thrive off of attention, good or bad, so why give them any? I trust that the moderators here, at least, will do their best to keep crap under wrap, otherwise.. well you can't control other people or their crazy :P Just deal with what ya can or ignore. Marzia & Felix have a great thing going and I only hope it gets better for them.
    • goldenpge wrote:

      Haters are everywhere : D But I think mostly her haters are jealous of her because she's beautiful, she's kind, she's smart, etc., or being hateful, because they think she's doing nothing outside of YT and we all know, that it's not true. Shit happens and I really don't want Marzia paying her attention to the haters and just ignore them. She doesn't deserve all this hate.

      But, seriously, all we can and should do is just support her :)
      *Bro&Marzipans power: mode on*

      Nicely Said. Nicely said :P

      Even How Alone you are you are not forever alone. You have family and loved one's by your side. <3
      Property of Fluffeh.Monster

    • I love Marzia. It makes me sick whenever I see anybody get so much unneeded hate from trolls, regardless if I like them or not. It takes a special kind of stupid, misery, and bitterness to project your bullshit onto others just for the sake of bringing them down. This is partly the reason why I think we should reconsider anonymity on the the internet. People should be held accountable for their actions and words on the web. Only people who need to be protected should have anonymity, not bored people who have nothing better to do with their lives.
    • rossy.gamer wrote:

      She is such a sweet girl and she don't deserve this hate. I can't believe people think all those things about her.

      They dont really think that. Their just attention whores. They criticize people like Felix and Martzia to get attention on, for example, their youtube videos or youube channels, Or twitter accounts, etc..
      They love being loved or hated, They dont care which kind of attention they get.
    • PsychoNefilim wrote:

      rossy.gamer wrote:

      She is such a sweet girl and she don't deserve this hate. I can't believe people think all those things about her.

      They dont really think that. Their just attention whores. They criticize people like Felix and Martzia to get attention on, for example, their youtube videos or youube channels, Or twitter accounts, etc..
      They love being loved or hated, They dont care which kind of attention they get.

      You are right about this but....this is just, so wrong.
    • They probably hate her cuz of all the fame she's getting. I mean, trying to gain fame is pretty hard work and Marzia (cuz ya know she's known to be Pewds GF in the first place) just got it. But that doesn't mean she's just lolly gagging or playing with what she has now. As far as I know she's doing this for her and Pewds since they're living together and they need the money, not for fame.

      I really feel bad for her, with all the pressure and haters and barrels. Let's just be good Marzipans and support her.

      *epic guitar shredding solo of vengence*

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Becaholic ().

    • Just don't pay attention to these haters.
      They are everywhere on the internet and i think youtube is a very big platform for them to let their hate roll.
      They have nothing in life by themselfes. No real friends. No brain. No expectations in life for their future.
      They are just little retarded punks and they feel better in their own life if they get offensive against other people, mostly fame people, on the internet.
      She really should just ignore that kind of "people" and keep doing what she's doing cause she's doing it good!
      you just have to

      :brofist: :brofist: :brofist:
    • Most of the people who hate on her are jealous middle school-aged kids, I saw an angry little girl posting rude comments, so I went on her youtube channel to see how old she was- 13 years old. Alot of her haters are simply young girls jealous of her relationship and how beautiful and sweet she is! Marzia is a wonderful young woman, and we all just gotta support her so she doesn't forget that people love her! c:
    • EnchantressLaina wrote:

      There's no logical reasoning on people hating Marzia. She really hasn't done anything that would inspire such negativity. She's just so adorable. She is the Naomi to my Seiko.

      They make a logical reason too to make it seem like that.. Ever think of that lol

      Even How Alone you are you are not forever alone. You have family and loved one's by your side. <3
      Property of Fluffeh.Monster