Hello dota 2 players <3

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    • Hello dota 2 players <3

      Hello you good heroes, a Greeting from the best Crystal maiden player EVER 8) ! How are you doing ?
      Hope you doing okay, i created this thread to share with you some information about my dota 2 experience and hope you do the same ...
      So, i've started playing the game in like two years ago ! And i was so ... " excuse me i can't insult myself lol " i first played with razor and i spent like 3 months playing zeus " that's so " Well dumb :D " i really had fun playing those two heroes ! And so..., i don't want to tell you more about the old days lol ! But now, i can play " Axe - Jug - CM - Razor - Zeus - Sven - WD - Dazzle - Ember spirit - Vengeful - Skywrath mage - Sniper and riki " lol - legion commander - Kunkka " By your compass :D " and much more " my Name is " Carthaginian " and my level is 67 i guess :D ..
      So, feel free to tell your story ! :D Peace
    • I play, but I'm pretty terrible at it. I play Riki sometimes, but tend to stay away from him in matches where I'm playign seriously, because he's considered to be so easy to play. I play Bloodseeker, Templar Assassin sometimes, Rubick, and Drow Ranger. Like I said, I'm pretty bad at all of them though, and I'm level 28.
      While we're talking about Dota 2, what do you think of the new update that is coming soon?
      glory and gore go hand in hand
    • I play a lot of dota. Heading towards 2000 hours in that game. I play initiators/teamfight hereos like tide, magnus and working on my puck. I can play all heroes well enough though. What do you guys think of the recent 6.82 patch? I am just happy 5 man death ball at 10 min is nerfed.
    • CrysisLink wrote:

      I play a lot of dota. Heading towards 2000 hours in that game. I play initiators/teamfight hereos like tide, magnus and working on my puck. I can play all heroes well enough though. What do you guys think of the recent 6.82 patch? I am just happy 5 man death ball at 10 min is nerfed.

      I started playing Dota 2 in the closed beta stage I think, nearing around 1700 hours. My favourite heroes used to be nyyyyyyx and centaur, but they have dropped out of my range of heroes which I am really good at. I'm more into Ember and Clock, they are just so much fun :D.
      About the 6.82 patch, some hings changed for the better, but some changed for the absolute worse. Bringing aghs onto phoenix and earth spirit may be really good but it can increase grief potential. Too many things to talk about concerning the patch, but if you are interested in playing give me a heads up :)
    • I played dota like 1 year ago ....now i am just pro i guess took me a few weeks to get used to it. After that i kept playing pro and stayed on that stage till today. :) well more like this year i am kinda busy so i couldn't play .....last year of school and all that , The exams and stuff they are like you have to work hard u have worked 10 years at school for this .....but i am intending to start all over again . i am very good with ppl so no worries *if there is anyone who is intending to play with me lemme knw i would be Happy to help u out with Dota (specially beginners ) but i recommend u to play WarCraft the game cuz it was the original version of dota . If u had played it u would know the story's about the dota 2 hero's and their life ...so yea technically if u haven't played it "u dunt really know what dota 2 is about" ...in Warcraft it shows how they cam , how they were made , what reason they began to fight , what were their true identity's and stuff u knw ...... so yea i am saying this cuz i played and i knw the story about it and that's exactly why i was better at playing it ...ok nvm lemme knw if u guys wanna play Dota the right way , i'll be playing soon * oh yea and if u wanna know my lvl , well its 69 and above i dunt really knw prolly 70 anyways Hope u think about it *Bro fist*
      • midlane_large.dfbf26e2806ef97f81105c4947e7d12af58d0ac4.png

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    • Random'd Invoker. No idea how to play. Went quas/wex. Got fb. Got double kill. MFW Hand of Midas @ 8 min. 5/0 by 12 min. Cold snap OP af. TFW I finished dagon. Ghost walk. No escape. Finish game 16/3. No ragrets.
      Personal Philosophy: Every new individual you meet has the same and equal opportunity to be your new best friend. Take the time to learn about someone else and you just might learn something about yourself.
