"Le grand journal" insult pewdiepie and gaming community

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    • "Le grand journal" insult pewdiepie and gaming community

      First i also post this on chat box but i thinks it should be also post on this thread since it's content
      Hi bros!

      First of all my english is not so good so my word may not reflect all the shitstorm that this post gonna show.

      i'm here to talk you about an insult that received pewdiepie and the gaming community in general.

      on the french tv show "Le grand journal" a tv jt on the french channel
      "canal +" a showcaster made a quick article talking about twitch and
      pewdiepie. To resumate, this article was all about insulting the gaming
      community (especially twitch community) and by it also pewdiepie.

      those talking was insulting saying to people of twitch that "if they
      watch twitch their life must be worthless" consedering the streaming as a
      "sub" comic genre of show (in french it like an insult) their a lot of
      other shitalk about gaming community, a little about pokemonect...

      long story short, this article was all about freely insulting pewdiepie,
      twitch, the gaming community in general, making it pass like a group of
      dumb people who got nothing to do with their live, this show was sad
      and extremely frustating for all fan

      if you're good with the french language i invite you to look at this video and see for yourself.

      this show unleash a massive flow of frustation in the gaming community
      and it provoced a petition wich i bring you here at the time i post it
      the show was 5 hour ago and the petition was made 2 hour ago it already
      pass it's first cap of 50k petitioner.

      i invite you to sign the petition which goal is to ask public excuse on the next tv show.

      Canal +, Le grand journal: Excuses à la communauté "jeux vidéo" de la plateforme Twitch dans le prochain Grand Journal.

      for the little information, "Le grand journal" is a private canal show
      well knew for his trash talking, provocating and unsulting content who
      have no more other purpose that to bring audimat by provocing.

      if you're reading this post you are assured to be insulted by the content of this story.

      I post it on this thread but i'm not sure it is the good one, i invite the moderateur to put it on the right place if it isn't.

      please sign ans share it will help the gamer community and the streamer
      community to be seen as something else than geek who can't get a "normal life"

      cya bros.
    • I understand where you're trying to go, but those shows also exist where i live, and people should not make a big deal out of their "opinions". Not saying that what they do is good, im just saying that it should not be that important.

      Then again, this is just my humble opinion.

      I bet you can't click that dancin' Buu
    • I think frustrating is a big word. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion wether you like it or not. If they think so about it, leave them thinking like that instead of picking up the weapons and ask for an all out war.

      FYI , Most streamers are actual geeks and that's not even meant in the wrong way.

      The post was edited 2 times, last by Okuu ().

    • Okuu you are all wrong on the page but that because of a missing informations, the host of the emisions is know to also played video game with a famous french streamer. once again the major picture is the insult made here that have only of objective to make money out of it with the audition. if that was the case then he just insult himself

      and lastly, this show was on an main hour, meaning a LOT of people have seen this. if they had said this on an emision out of a mainstream hour or if it was argumented i would at least not making such wave. But see those guy making fun on a community on a channel with so much people watching(close to the million in france, that a big score) just to make money out of it, i can't accept that.
      Hell yeah i'm calling an all out war.
      Internet start to ne accepted in a cultural level. that have mean fight, if the public opinion hate this culture because of show like that, i don't see a good mix of opinion in a near futur