Zombie Apocalyps RP: Chatbox Carnage

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    • Zombie Apocalyps RP: Chatbox Carnage

      10 points for the original title?

      So here is the story behind this role play.

      The year is 2023, we've been in a zombie apocalypse for 8 years now. Everything is in chaos. Half of the survivors tend to wander off on their own and end up getting killed or turned. If not, they generally prey on the weak as raiders. But my group is smart, we stick together. We leave together, we hunt together, we fight together, we survive together. We welcome all survivors who hear this to please come find us, we are currently held up in the local, unnamed mall. We are pretty much sealed and protected. Also the ladder in the back of the mall will be down, just make sure that if any walkers are following you kill them and then climb up. *The radio broadcast ends and repeats itself through the empty burning car's radio.*

      Pretty straightforward. Few rules though.
      -Post a character profile here if you want to participate. In this, you have to mention name, looks, gender, personality, items carrying (3 max, in realistic proportions) and optionally a history and mood. Looks in 5 sentences (a paragraph) or just include a picture.
      -Everything must be realistic and can be achieved in real life. So no neko's, furries or unnatural creatures. Also no powers. Everyone that goes off the "realistic" part, will be killed instantly, after a warning.
      -Respect my stage. You can add NPC's, environments and types of zombies, but all following my rules.
      -Respect each other in chat.
      -Have fun!

      This RP will be held on Saturday the 4th @ 16.00 GMT. If there are any questions I'd be glad to answer them.

      P.S if there's something I forgot to mention please send me a PM.
    • Oh yeah! I forgot my character profile.
      Name: Alpha Maxillian
      Gender: Male
      Looks: KLIK!
      Personality: The devil in person. No, seriously. His swift movements. The way he talks to people with his soothing, soft, low voice. And never give that man a knife, sword or anything that can harm people around him he doesn't like. Unsure of himself to the max. Even in the Apocalypse, his face, hair and clothes doesn't seem to be damaged at all. Because "All warfare is based on deception".
      Items carrying (3 max): Red katana (image), two of these shooters and a big sniper on his back.