Zombie Apocalypse (The Remake)

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    • Zombie Apocalypse (The Remake)

      So, in a last, desperate attempt to keep this particular section of the forums alive, I have remade this, as the original seems to be dead and buried.

      Anyone can join in, no matter how inexperienced you may or may not be. Just make sure to read the whole thing.

      zombiegirl96, for the most part wrote:

      So here is the story behind this role play.

      The year is 2023, we've been in a zombie apocalypse for 8 years now. Everything is in chaos. Half of the survivors tend to wander off on their own and end up getting killed or turned. If not, they generally prey on the weak as raiders. But my group is smart, we stick together. We leave together, we hunt together, we fight together, we survive together. We welcome all survivors who hear this to please come find us, we are currently held up in the local, unnamed mall. We are pretty much sealed and protected. Also the ladder in the back of the mall will be down, just make sure that if any walkers are following you kill them and then climb up. *The radio broadcast ends and repeats itself through the empty burning car's radio.*

      Rules/Things to know:

      1. No double-posting. [AKA: Spamming] If you must add something, simply edit it into your last post.

      2. No Mary Sues. Don't god-mod. Don't insta-kill players. And above all, don't be a dick.

      3. You don't have to be fully human. Nekos, Furries, and other beings are perfectly acceptable, but they have to be a humanoid of some kind, and nobody's immune to infection.

      4. Have fun. That is all.

      About the Zambies: (Intentional misspell)

      1. Headshots don't work. You need to hit specific parts of the brain to flip their switch off, or get rid of the head completely.

      2. Smaller guns are little more than pea-shooters against the Zed. Save those bullets for raiders.

      3: Can't climb. Stay on the rooftops to evade them.

      4. If you encounter a mutant, you're already dead. They're incredibly rare, thankfully, but don't test your luck by being an idiot.
      (Note: Anyone who has violently broken any rules will have their character instantly murdered. You have been warned.)

      Character Sheet:

      Appearance (Image or Description):
      Weaponry (Be reasonable):

      You know, most people call me insane...
      That's what happens when I try to reason with people, they don't like it, and I eventually end up turning them to charcoal in the end...

      Why are you looking at me like that?

      Despite popular belief, I did not draw the avatar I'm using. I can't draw.
    • I was getting really excited until this:

      stryder221 wrote:

      3. You don't have to be fully human. Nekos, Furries, and other beings are perfectly acceptable, but they have to be a humanoid of some kind, and nobody's immune to infection.

      I have nothing against whether you like it or not, this was just one of the many reason I left the previous RP, because it was getting way too unrealistic. It's your RP though, I'm not forcing you to change it.

      colonel, we managed to avoid drowning!
    • I'm in.

      Name: Abyssion
      Appearance: Abyssion stands at around 2 meters tall, much taller than any average human. He has long, fiery red hair as his natural color, but has dyed it and styled it in such a way that it looks like flames lick down his back from his head. His skin is somewhat pale, obviously not used to being out in the sun for so long.
      He has well toned arms from his training in blades, however his frame is overall quite lean.
      His eyes are a mutation, being a bright orange color.

      Weapons: two scimitars, a sawed off shotgun, and explosives. Lots of explosives. I mean a ridiculous amount of explosives that he carries in their own pack.
    • Oritigo, Mystery, You're both accepted.

      I will post my own character sheet(s) once he/she is introduced. You guys can start if you want.

      You know, most people call me insane...
      That's what happens when I try to reason with people, they don't like it, and I eventually end up turning them to charcoal in the end...

      Why are you looking at me like that?

      Despite popular belief, I did not draw the avatar I'm using. I can't draw.
    • Oh... good old roleplays :D (I may still be a little rusty, but happy to contribute :D) (I they are some mistakes, forgive me, my first language is french ^^ )

      Gender: Female
      Name: Lucie
      Surname: Winchester
      Appearance: 24 years old, tall, long blond hair (most of the time braided), really pale, a scar on the edge of the lower jaw, blue-greenish eyes // changes clothes as often as possible, except for her golden necklace
      Weaponry: Axe, long dagger
      Misc: (I don't know what this is x.x )