How to be better at commentating?

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    • How to be better at commentating?

      Ill try to make this as short as possible (though seeing as I suck at resuming things, this is probably going to be a while). Yes, just like many others on this forum, I have a youtube channel. After pondering for awhile (30 seconds to be exact) It came upon me that, Judging by the sheer amount of youtubers that do lets plays and such, times have changed on youtube, and now it's fairly hard to be different. With almost (almost, not all) every single semi - mainstream/popular game already been played and recorded by hundreds of people, It's become apparent to me that if I want to gain more popularity (I don't consider popularity a necessity as far as youtube goes, but it is definitely encouraging), i will need to find something that can make more unique compared to the 100,000-some other channels making videos on youtube. I haven't exactly had any clear thoughts yet, but for me the most evident thing to do now would to reinforce the basics. So first up to the bat (for me) is basic commentary skills. I don't have a lot of experience (thought I tend to talk to myself a lot xD) so I thought that this would be this place to talk to. So anybody have any tips or How-to's? Besides, People watch videos on youtube to either be entertained or to learn. As far as lets plays go, Its probably not the latter, so entertainment value is probably important (as far as I'm aware of anyways).
      "Does this mean Anne frank's not coming?" - Full Metal Jacket
      My Youtube --->
    • Well, firstly think abit for yourself.
      What would improve your commentary? One thing i always tell people is "Don't Think, Just Talk". This way, you have 10 times more things to say than otherwise. Then try to use different voices, clear your voice properly and try to say stuff differently. Then adaptation to the game you are playing, are you playing a calm game, keep it calm with the commentary.
      Depending on the intensity, adapt commentary to it.

      Also i noticed that you were sick when making a video - Important rule, when you are sick, dont strain your voice to make a video because the quality will be lacking and its bad for your overall image as a content creator.

      But you need more practice, and commentating skill is gained through it. ALOT OF IT.
    • Just be you and screw the details. If you force it, it will be obvious and not who YOU are. Don't worry if you think you are rambling or boring. There have been some moments of mine that I thought were really lame but they happened to be my best moments because it was me being me.
      "From childhood's hour, I have not been as others were
      I have not seen as other have" - Edgar Allen Poe, "Alone"

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    • While ''just being you'' is a good reccomondation. You have to entertain the public. So try to stay as active and as fun as possible. Now sure, many don't really have it what it takes to just fake it like that, but i suggest occasional tone changes, because that works very well!
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      (especially on YouTube, meow!)
    • Use this down time, where you have very little views to build your ability to talk. Because if you can carry a conversation by yourself, when you do start building a following, you will be entertaining, enthusiastic, or whatever it is you are going for. Then this will catch on. The biggest thing is you need to be authentic, be you and make sure you highlight that.

      The more natural you appear, the more often your individual traits will come out. I am not talking about being shy or uncertain at first then being more casual, I am talking about things you do normally with your friends coming to the foreground.

      For me, it was...well screaming like a three year old girl who just had her favorite candy taken. When I immerse myself in a horror game or any game, I easily get spooked. For years I tried to lock that down but as I got more comfortable, it came out. I do need to put a warning label on my videos due to how loud I can freak out but the point is highlighting your strengths.

      Find what works and build on it. This will take time. Don't try to rush because it will come off as fake and sadly, first impressions are everything to building a following. If they don't like what they see in about 15 to 45 seconds, they move on. This happens.

      Just don't change you for the sake of someone who may only watch your video for a tenth of the time.