Forever alone? Nay! When we meet we are Together Alone!

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    • Forever alone? Nay! When we meet we are Together Alone!

      I am making this thread for those people like myself who can not find any friends or romantic interests in the "real world"
      Just put down a description of yourself and PM anyone you think you want to get to know better.

      Name: Chris Holmes
      Age: 19
      Self-description: I am tall, around 6'2. I have short, dark blonde hair and hazel eyes. I am a bit on the fluffy side, but I do have some muscle.
      What you are looking for: A nice person that I could talk to. I just want someone who I know will be there and I can talk to and have intelligent discussions with.
      Interests: Gaming, anime, reading. I do enjoy debates and card games, as well. Both traditional 52 card games like Poker and Blackjack, and Trading Card Games like Magic the Gathering and Yu-Gi-Oh
      Proudest moment: I graduated valedictorian with honors from my high school
      Anything else we should know: Not really from me.

      Anyway, just post and have a good time!
    • Name: Adam West Wayne Batman
      Age: 20
      Self-description: I am tall, around 180cm (nobody uses inches). I have hair, eyes and ... you know, human limbs and stuff. Not really good at these things.
      What you are looking for: The secret ingredient for Oreo. And proof that magic exists oh and gandalf for i much desire to speak with him.
      Interests: Gaming, sport, gaming, food, gaming, video making , gaming
      Proudest moment: I went to the toilet alone.
      Anything else we should know: I am just joking(and pretty badly as you can see) because I have accepted my fate regarding relationships.
      <--- Oh, you hate me son?

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Bundyclan ().

    • Name: Dano W
      Age: 64
      Interests: grills under 18 or boys over 26
      Self-description: I'm a skinny 6'4 black man with an intense love for Canadians. Canada and it's people are my life. Also, kids.
      Other Interests: Gaming, sport, ice-cream, pillow fights in underwear, makeup sessions, banning Max off the forums, and food.
      Proudest moment: I was fisted once
      Skype: Runneradam

      Add me up!

    • Posting this for a friend,since she's way too shy to do it herself.

      Name: Maxine Vetrov
      Age: 19
      Self-description: 1.76,skinny,black hair/light blue eyes
      What you are looking for: Friends mostly,but she did tell me she was also looking for something more.
      Interests: Reading,ice skating,hockey,some videogames
      Proudest moment: Probably that one time she won a regional ice skating competition
      Anything else we should know: She's shy as hell at first,but opens up after a bit

      Add her,she'll surely accept you -> immortal_rycker
    • Since rn my friends sucks, I want new ones. lol

      Name: Monica Summer B
      Age: 17
      Self description: I'm Asian lol, 5 foot 6 inches tall, black hair, skinny, wears glasses, dark brown eyes
      What you are looking for: FRIENDS. INTERESTING FRIENDS. lol
      Interests: video games, pewdiepie, basketball, volleyball, badminton, soccer, basically any kind of sports. I love skating (more specifically longboarding)
      Proudest moment: hmm..there are three things I'm proud of but can't decide which is my proudest moment: 2nd in Economics, 1st in Music or MVP for badminton. Yayy