Virtual Reality with Mind Manipulation

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    • Virtual Reality with Mind Manipulation

      To have a perfect virtual reality experience, I feel you’d have to actually manipulate the brain, and while it’s much harder to do than it sounds (and sounds freaking hard even so) the brain is basically a computer, which sends electrical impulses for every little thing.

      Everything you see, smell, touch, taste, feel, and hear in the world has it’s own set of specific impulses to tell you what that is, and to what degree you’re sensing it. Thus if one could create, even manipulate the impulses, and send it back and forth between the brain and a machine, one could in essence, create virtual reality.

      Say the machine has a record of your impulses, these impulses are stored as a set number, as data. Whenever the data is needed, the recorded number is triggered, creating the strong enough impulse to and from your brain. For instance say in the game you’re mind is needing to register all of the colors, shapes, and sizes.

      Each color, shade, shape, size will then be recorded as a specific digit, name, whatever. Thus you may not physically be seeing what your mind is showing, you’re still seeing it because the impulses used for your eyes and mind are working together with the server.

      To make a long story short, while hard as fuck, it’s still possible, and within our own lifespans given each few years our technological leap grows 50 years in advance than it really should be growing.

      Now while my text implies confidence, it’s purely speculation based upon my understanding of a small portion of the workings of the brain.

      What do you think, could it be possible using my idea, or am I way off base?