Ghost/Eye, a "Choose Your Adventure" Illustration Series

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    • Ghost/Eye, a "Choose Your Adventure" Illustration Series

      A lot of the story for the first few chapters is already completed, as it's over 100 pages for the first 2 chapters, publicly anyway. The rest is placed into an archive of sorts, being worked on as time permits, and changed many times to better the story and it's progression.

      I've been working as a secondary, albeit major side project called Geist/Auge, in which will be using the Branching Plot Line system. This system gives the reader a sense of control (or "freedom"; what have you) that allows the reader to read the very first "Manga" or "Illustrated" issue, and then based on a colored coded textual listing, chooses what next release to buy, based on the color coded cover of the next release, which corresponds with the text and it's color.

      As they progress in this manner, the story will rightfully change directions and/ or pace according to their choices. The problem I'm having now is to find a willing enough Artist to join my cause. I've had many Artists, but none stuck it out with me; not because I'm hard to work with, but because of jobs, school and so forth. I give the Artist a (give or take) 90 percent creative control with the Art, only having them agree to allowing me at least 10 percent on structural (landscapes, buildings, so forth, but rarely) and character illustrations so as to get my image of my characters a new found life.

      I am wanting to know if there happen to be any such Artists on this site willing enough to join me to create Geist/Auge? As of now I have no money (one part of the problem to very few of the Artists I've talked with) but have a Kickstarter ready to be implemented once we have some concept arts up, and a few "recorded videos" of the Artist drawing, and an introduction video. This will allow us to create the illustration as well as promote it, print it, ship it, enjoy it.

      I even plan to have it published at a few other Manga and comic publishing companies to help lessen the load. IE, Dark Horse Comics and a few Japanese oriented ones.

      It'll sell for 30 dollars as the demand and the copies are low, and after we make back about 2 times the price spent, we'll lower it to 25 dollars, and once it makes 4 times the original prices spent, we'll lower it to 15 and keep it there.

      There anyone here willing to join me? I will also create a regular blog on here updating everyone of it's progress.

      Also Geist/Auge is actually about this 18 year old who just graduated top of his class, and was told by the teachers that the next day or so all Seniors are to go there for their class clean up. After a long day of cleaning, a hidden, Nazi organization strikes the school (only people present is him, Mitch, and his friend called Tick, but he leaves right before it happens) and they take him prisoner in order to release his sleeping powers, to use to take over the world with magic and technology.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Thiamor: Forgot something. ().