RPG game- Dreams

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    • RPG game- Dreams

      Hey fellow bros!

      My name is Damian, i'm with Envy Studios and we're currently working on a game called "Dreams". I'm not gonna go too deep into the plot and about the game itself because I want you to be curious about it and be looking for it. ;) But it's about a father and his son, who live in London in the the late 1800's. The father has a strange condition with his dreams, that when he dreams about the same thing multiple times, it comes true. But the catch is, it's never a good dream. They're always terrible, evil dreams. But fortunately he has some "contacts" and he learns to control them. And that's when the son comes in. And that's also where you switch characters and start playing as the son. That's all i'm going to say about it. I'll be posting more about it including pictures of development such as levels, characters, scenes etc. so make sure to be looking for news about it. :)


      The post was edited 2 times, last by EnvyDamian: I just simply wanted to make the title shorter in hopes of having more people be interested in this post? ().