Chronicles of Alteon

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    • Chronicles of Alteon

      The world of Alteon.
      A peaceful world, where most people live in relative comfort.
      The elves live in their vast forest, enjoying their voluntary isolation, and thus making that forest the greatest accumulation of spellsmiths.
      The dwarves travel the world, serving as the greatest crafstmen and blacksmiths that money - or anything - can buy.
      The kitsune live among humans, most enjoying how the short-lived people act and treasure each day.
      The dragons and their kin are few, isolated, but mostly undisturbed and happy.
      The humans live all over, enjoying relative peace.
      Most other races also live amongst humans, enjoying peace and stability.
      All is well.
      Or is it?
      The half-elves are segregated and despised all over because of a cutoff faction, the Bringers of Gaora, which is gaining popularity amongst frustrated half-elves.
      All of them have been forced into exile on the floating isle of Ebor, as they were deemed "dangerous".
      Resentment towards those below has been building, and although the leader of the half-elves, a man named Shorante, has been advocating peace, his people are growing restless, and begin to demand action.
      And that brings us to you.
      You are in this world, as a citizen or rebel, that is for you to decide.
      But before we begin, tell me a bit about yourself.

      Race/Species: (No angels, demons, or half-breeds thereof. They do not partake in mortal affairs anymore.)
      Weapon: (Do you use magic or weaponry, and what kind?)
      History: (So we can quickly refer to it)
      Unique Power: (You are only allowed one, and only one, and it must have primarily noncombat appplications)
      Quirks: (Optional, anything off or unusual about your character's personality?)

      I'll start with myself, as an example.
      Name: Shon Topan
      Gender: male
      Age: 19
      Race: human
      Weapon: Life magic (basically plant life.) and wind magic.

      Appearance: approximately 5'10, with short, wavy blonde hair and deep green eyes. He doesn't wear armor, as it hinders his spells, preferring the robe of his magical profession, a light green cloak with a silver lotus blossom embossed on the back as well as the left breast. He always wears a light smile, and his eyes are always half closed, as if he is in a perpetually dazed state. His voice is soft and gentle, very much like a soft breeze.

      Personality: very friendly to everyone, he always greets people with a smile and a handshake.
      He is a very likable person, and people seen to be unable to hate him or even be mad at him.
      Shon is remarkably laid back, and takes things very lightly, but he is a tactical genius, able to formulate plans in under 10 seconds.
      Lastly, he has a respect and Love for nature That rivals the elves' in intensity.

      History: born into a farming family, he worked out in the fields, until his parents realized that Shon's touch made plants live again and grow faster, so they sent him to the local Magic Academy, where his potential for magic and intelligence were quickly identified.

      Unique Power: Two way telepathy. He can read and send thoughts.

      Quirks: he has an odd attraction to Kitsune.

      One more thing to clear up.
      No godmodding or auto hitting. Everyone gets a chance to respond to actions in combat.

      Feel free to start as soon as you make your character.

      My first actions will be in my next post.

      Have fun!
    • I've got time to kill for now, So why not? Let's see how far this goes before the end of everything.

      Name: Kin Marni.
      Gender: [ERROR: UNAVAILABLE]
      Age: ??? [looks 15]
      Race: Half-beast (Possibly a Kitsune.)
      Weapon: Purely wind magic (Also allows flight).

      Surprisingly light-weighted, possible side-effect of using only wind magic.

      Personality: Avoids contact with everyone, and is incredibly timid. Has no faith in own skills.
      If anyone comes within a foot of his/her presence, immediately runs/flies away.
      Completely pacifistic: Will only fight in self-defense, and nothing else. Even then, it takes quite a lot to bring her/him to attack with lethal force.
      Seemingly incapable of anger.
      Can survive easily in the wilds if need be.
      Has the mind of a puppy.

      History: Nobody's paid much attention to Kin, and that's how he/she preferred it. Kin didn't mind, as she/he did not know how to deal with people.
      But, with nobody to take care of poor Kin, having lost parents for unknown reasons, the half-beast quickly found him/herself just floating whatever direction the wind blew.

      Unique "Power": While not a power, per se, Kin is inexplicably linked with a tiny fairy by the name of "Vala", who, by the way, does most of the talking for Kin. She's useless in combat, though.
      Most people can't see Vala unless she shows herself, which, admittedly, is quite often. The only other way is to reveal her via magic.

      Quirks: Hates any and all dogs. Includes werewolves and dog-men.
      Chocolate is precious, and Kin will love you forever if given some. (Exaggeration.)
      The bell is precious. Do not touch, or Kin will hate you forever. (NOT an exaggeration.)



      "You gonna just float here all day, Kin?"
      Vala asked. She was actually getting worried right now, Kin had just been floating on the wind for... How long was it, now? An hour?
      "I like flying too, but unlike me, you have to land some time!"

      She didn't get a response. Poor Kin never knew how to participate in a conversation without being a bit awkward. Okay, a lot awkward.
      Instead, surprisingly, the half-beast nodded.

      Unfortunately, when cancelling out the power of wind, Kin dropped like a stone...
      Thankfully, they weren't all that high off the ground, and kin landed softly in a garden of white roses.

      Rolling her eyes skyward, Vala followed. She didn't like straying too far away from the kid, who was seeing stars by the way, thanks to the impact.
      She'd wait until she was needed before showing herself. Knowing Kin, they'd be running like scared rabbits before long.

      You know, most people call me insane...
      That's what happens when I try to reason with people, they don't like it, and I eventually end up turning them to charcoal in the end...

      Why are you looking at me like that?

      Despite popular belief, I did not draw the avatar I'm using. I can't draw.
    • I turn to water my roses when a........ Something falls out of the sky, right into my garden.
      I quickly look over the being that fell from the sky.
      "hey, are you okay?"
      I offer my hand to help it up.
      "mind the thorns. They do dig deep."
    • "Nnn... Wha...?"
      As Kin's vision began to clear, the half-beast saw someone, a human, standing a bit too close, sticking out a hand.

      Kin reacted instantly with panic, sending a non-lethal blast of wind in his way, which would send him flying, but nothing else.
      Immediately, the half-beast scrambled to their feet, getting stuck with a couple thorns as well.

      "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I didn't mean it, don't hate me!"
      Then, there was the profuse apologizing as Kin defended his/her head, expecting the worst.
      After all, those roses must have been precious, and their owner did get blasted.

      You know, most people call me insane...
      That's what happens when I try to reason with people, they don't like it, and I eventually end up turning them to charcoal in the end...

      Why are you looking at me like that?

      Despite popular belief, I did not draw the avatar I'm using. I can't draw.
    • I look at the half-beast puzzled, then gently pat it on the head.
      "hey. Calm down. It'll be fine.
      I put my hands on the roses, and send a small pulse of life magic through them, and they rise back up, completely undamaged.
      I look back at the creature and smile.
      "now, let's see about getting those thorns out, hmmmm?"
    • Kin let out a weak whimper as they felt the hand patting their head, opening one eye to see that the roses were risen back.
      The half-beast was about to relax when (s)he felt the stinging pain in the hands, courtesy of thorns imbedded under the skin.

      That's also when the human suggested taking those thorns out.
      Kin had said.

      Vala, meanwhile, had begun sitting on Kin's head at this point, making faces at the human while he couldn't see her.

      You know, most people call me insane...
      That's what happens when I try to reason with people, they don't like it, and I eventually end up turning them to charcoal in the end...

      Why are you looking at me like that?

      Despite popular belief, I did not draw the avatar I'm using. I can't draw.
    • Kin clenched the hands into a fist, and judging by the fact the half-beast felt no stinging pain, thought to be completely fine.
      "No... T... Thank you."

      After a relieved sigh, the half-beast suddenly panicked.
      It said incredibly fast, already beginning to make a hasty retreat.

      You know, most people call me insane...
      That's what happens when I try to reason with people, they don't like it, and I eventually end up turning them to charcoal in the end...

      Why are you looking at me like that?

      Despite popular belief, I did not draw the avatar I'm using. I can't draw.
    • OOC: To be honest, I wasn't thinking of Crona at all while making this character,

      IC: "And they say seeing fairies is bad luck, too!"
      Said Vala, revealing herself as she floated directly in front of Shon's face, upside-down.
      "In fact, I'm worse than black cats!"

      Kin snatched her out of the air before she could say anything stupid.
      "K-k... Kin... This is Vala... Good-bye."

      Shon was hit by a sudden gust of wind as the half-beast took flight after saying that.
      Vala was heard shouting something about "Fairy-napping" as Kin flew off.

      You know, most people call me insane...
      That's what happens when I try to reason with people, they don't like it, and I eventually end up turning them to charcoal in the end...

      Why are you looking at me like that?

      Despite popular belief, I did not draw the avatar I'm using. I can't draw.
    • Name: Icynato
      Gender: Male
      Age: 15
      Race/Species: Human
      Weapon: Water, Ice, Wind Magic
      Personality: Kind, Excited for Adventure
      History: When he was born, he was cast a charm to where he would immediately be transported home as his mother was overly protected. His mother died and was taken away from him when he was 10 and his father is still alive today but travels the world.
      Unique Power: Can slide across any service no matter how dry it is. This helps his combat making his speed faster if he is ever need in any danger or attacking.
      Quirks: Listens to calming music which makes him as calm as he is now. If the headphones knock off, he goes berserk until they get put back on his head.

      Theme: (You know cus I like this song so much...)
      "Icy walked down the street with his headphones intact of his head as he snapped his fingers to the beat of it all"
      "He looked to his left seeing Kin and Shon and waved towards in a happy mood"
      "Without noticing he bumped into someone as they apologize to him as the headphnes both....popped out"
      "Icy's eyes went wide as he caught the headphones and smoking blarred from his ears"
      I can hear the ringing...oh no...
      "He was starting to get mad and was about to explode his rage but quickly shooved them back in and turned to the guy"
      No's my fault I wasn't paying attention...

      Symmetry is Everything ~Death the Kid
    • By the time Kin stopped flying away, xe [1] was in an alleyway, panting for breath. Flying that fast took a lot out of the half-beast.
      "What was that all about?!"
      Xir fairy friend said angrily.
      "You couldn't let me have any fun, could you?"

      Vala's anger was one more thing Kin didn't know how to handle, as proven when xe cowered before the tiny fairy.
      The next thing they both knew, Kin was hiding from the fairy in a wooden crate.

      "C'mon, you coward, get out of there! I'm not going to do anything!"

      No response.

      Vala sighed, she was just going to have to try something else.
      "Kin, please. I'm not angry. You can come out now."


      The lid of the crate opened just enough for the half-beast to see Vala.

      "Can you please come out? I'm sorry for yelling. I'll make it up to you somehow... Maybe go somewhere nice? I don't know where, though... Maybe we could get some ice cream...? Or something?"

      That was apparently enough for Kin, as xe climbed out of the crate, although still nervous.
      "Y-you're not mad?"
      The half-beast asked.

      "No, of course not."
      Really, it was impossible to stay angry at someone like Kin.
      Well, most of the time.

      "So... You want that ice cream I promised, right?"

      Kin nodded.

      "How much money's left?"
      Vala asked, as the half-beast pulled out a light pouch, filled mostly with silver and bronze coins.
      "Looks like enough to get something for both of us, but barely. Let's go see if anybody's selling anything sweet, then."

      OOC: [1]. This will be used when referring to Kin from now on, as I refuse to call Kin "It".

      You know, most people call me insane...
      That's what happens when I try to reason with people, they don't like it, and I eventually end up turning them to charcoal in the end...

      Why are you looking at me like that?

      Despite popular belief, I did not draw the avatar I'm using. I can't draw.