An ... Addiction ?

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    • An ... Addiction ?

      As you have reed the subject, I guess that you all know what it's gonna be about. Let me explain. Recently (1 month ago or so), I started watching Pewdiepie's videos. I had already seen some videos, but they didn't interess me much. But I started watching one, then two, then three. I couldn't stop, I watched and watched and watched again. Started doing almost white nights (I don't know if you say that in english it's when you don't sleep at all). Finally, I decided that I had to make my own videos to get rid of this addiction but, on my main computer ( Windows XP but still an alienware ), there was no camera and I could not install Sony Vegas Pro. And on the other side, my laptop, windows 7, a camera, but really not performant. I downloaded Fraps with a lot of hope, downloaded Sony Vegas Pro too, and I downloaded Amnesia and Penumbra. I thought it would be a good beggining for a new youtuber. But when I started recording with fraps, frames dropped to 4-5, it was really boring. I tried Penumbra, same problem, fraps + camera = 5 fps. So I continued watching Pewd's videos, and now, I feel like my life is shitty everytime Pewd's doesn't release a new video. Help !
    • Display Spoiler
      Could be even funny, lolz

      Don't start with Amnesia and Penubra, ssly. It's a mainstream right now (because of Pewd, maybe). So if really wish to do something, begin from and interesting, but not so highly played games, even horrors. And of course, u will need a better computer stats. Also, Fraps is not for laggy computers, use Bandicam instead, so u can change quality and maybe have more fps.

      And lmao, it feels like a pewdiepieinum, or what? :D
    • Well, i felt this way watching other utubers, it's kinda tricky though, because u feel, that u will be able to complete "simple" algorithm:
      Download stuff -> make cool vids -> get millions of subs -> be popular. But it's wet dreams, and in real it's damn hard to do so, u need to feel, that u are doing it for fun only, not for getting something, or u will fill sad and lonely one day and become a hater, sic!
    • Well, as I said it, it's an addiction. But I have good hope, I'll make my own gameplay and send it to you bros ( I mean all the bros on the forum, not only you >: D ). I think that it will focus my attention on something else and I will stop being addict, that's the way it works dontcha' think ? :)
    • My advice is to not record video's and get your mind of Youtube for a while. If you feel shitty because Pewds doesn't upload a video that's a sign shit is getting out of control, haha.
      Just go for a walk or whatever every time you feel shitty. Or just pick up a new hobby. Fishing perhaps? This will keep your mind elsewhere.
      Best of luck.

    • That's it. Sweet Mars, here I come. Nothing to do here...
      On the outside I may appear like an emotionless sarcastic piece of shit, but just like an onion, when you peel off more layers, you find the exact same thing every single time and you start crying.

      If the world didn't suck, we'd all fall off!
    • I don't think one post really assures us that he needs to talk to a mind doctor, so I hope you were being sarcastic Dragon.

      To be honest I myself have been addicted to certain animator's videos on Youtube and have spent 2-3 hours watching all of them because I really liked them.

      Pewdiepie is here to entertain people the same way that people who liked Breaking Bad, PokeMon, or even Naruto couldn't stop watching. To them it is great entertainment.

      In my mind Kelzano is basically doing what many Youtubers initially went through when they wanted to start making videos. There is nothing wrong with it and I am incredibly disappointed in all the members of this forum that down voted on him. Shame on you for putting down someone who is incredibly passionate about something we all like in some shape, or form.

      @ Kelzano On the topic of your computer recording and running games at the same time something you might be surprised to know is that Fraps actually sucks out about a quarter to a half of your system resources in just recording footage.

      You are getting these framerates because your computer just can't support running both Amnesia AND Fraps at the same time. If you want to pull it off I would recommend atleast a 4GB ram and 3.0ghz processor. Anything below that won't be able to handle it. Also I hope you continue enjoying Pewdiepie's videos and it is great to see you making an effort to try and turn your possible "addiction" into some productive. Bravo!
      There is always time for muffins.