Scariest moment in gaming?

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    • Scariest moment in gaming?

      What is the scariest moment in gaming for you? Mine would probably be Cry of Fear because that's what got me into horror gaming, the intro. With the spinning head and the fucker screaming and iugruihhiubgpqghp3ugbiog yeah.
      I also almost shit my pants right now because I just started playing Fallout 3 and I ran into Vault 106 and I've never been there and whooaaaa.
      Anyways, what about you guys?
    • Scariest moment in a video game was in Bioshock.

      Bioshock was probably my first scary game, I guess and 3 years ago, I played the first one in the series. When you go down to the underwater city ( Rapture ) in the sphere ( this little traveling submarine basically), a spider splicer ( a deformed maniac with hooks that he uses to climb up walls), killed some civilian right in front of you, once you arrive in Rapture, and jumps onto the sphere trying to get in. It started to tear the metal off of the sphere and I heard squeaks and groans from that crazy thing. It was pretty damn scary.
    • The choir area in Amnesia: The Dark Descent. Ffffffffffuck that mate.
      Fast speaking Dutchman who enjoys talking to his computer screen in an
      attempt to entertain people. Slightly insane, completely awesome.

      If you stand for nothing, you will fall for anything.

      Keep your hopes up high and your head down low.
    • The scariest thing I ever had was in Dead Space (The First and Fucking Scary one). It was dark and I heared a knocking. I saw a man, standing there and always hitting the wall with his head. Suddenly he destroyed his head with one hit and as I was walking there, a Necromorph was popping out of the vent. I was so shocked that I paused the game, get some food, ate it and 1 hour later I was ready to go on playiing.
    • Resident Evil 3 Nemesis

      Do you guys rememeber R.C.P.D. Station? If you do then you must remember the scene when Nemesis jumps through the window near the stairs. I was really young when that happend to me. Never played RE3 to that part again. I played lots of horror games till now, but never RE3 and that goes to Silent Hill 1 too :D
    • Well the scariest moment was my first freak out moment ever lol. Silent Hill 3 and that god damn mirror...
      On the outside I may appear like an emotionless sarcastic piece of shit, but just like an onion, when you peel off more layers, you find the exact same thing every single time and you start crying.

      If the world didn't suck, we'd all fall off!
    • when the game freeze or stop working for a while .-.

      [people i like and care about Dawn, krissnumadness, Madklauss, Kahisys, default, fire,Jericho, Flamez, dano, LordVoldemort, Emoteddylion, Toyosatomimi No Miko, Shikieiki Yamaxanadu, Dandy Dragon, Magragosh, Twixie, SqueedilyPlays, ChibiBunny,may837, GamerAddict247,ThatCoderBaron,Misfit the Inhumane, Emily and some more fuckers pm me if i forgot your name.
    • Mine would be silent hill 1, the entire school. Just.... no. I was like 10 or so when I played that. Still freaks me out when I play it and I'm now 26 >…<

      JustNoReact wrote:

      Do you guys rememeber R.C.P.D. Station? If you do then you must remember the scene when Nemesis jumps through the window near the stairs. I was really young when that happend to me. Never played RE3 to that part again. I played lots of horror games till now, but never RE3 and that goes to Silent Hill 1 too :D


      EFF THAT PART!!!! Also was the first game I played where leaving the room wasn't enough to save you, the bastard followed you!
      "From childhood's hour, I have not been as others were
      I have not seen as other have" - Edgar Allen Poe, "Alone"

      (>^_^(vO_o)> Surprise Butt Sex

      Phoenix Flames Plays
