Thinking of writing a book...

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    • Thinking of writing a book...

      Hey there, fellow bros...

      This is my first post of hopefully many more to come... So basically, I've had an idea for a book running through my head for a while now, and I am considering writing it... I have a small introduction that I wrote that I want to share with you guys to see what you think.

      I hope you enjoy it!



      Chapter 1

      Golden letters slowly emerge until they shine bright across the screen:

      "The next
      generation of online gaming.

      The letters fade away; replacing them comes an image of
      a tall, dark haired young man smiling as he reclines into his bed. As soon as
      his head touches his pillow, blue lights burst across the screen, forming a
      funnel that surges forward. The tunnels ends on the face of the same young man
      sleeping in a bed. In this scene, however, the boy and the world are animated.
      He wakes up suddenly, rises from his bed and begins examining his animated body
      with wonder - stretching and flexing his muscles. Despite being in a completely
      different room to the one he was previously in, the young man heads confidently
      towards the wardrobe and out of the scene.

      "A realistic,
      immersive world.

      He returns quickly, now wearing a pair of trousers and a
      vest made of tanned leather, and runs out of the building into a town square
      filled with bustling market stalls. He joins a large group of people who are
      wandering around the square, conversing. The view of the square is zoomed out,
      revealing a whole city of tall, white buildings, divided by cobble roads. The
      town itself is surrounded by a luscious woodland landscape - grass and trees
      decorating the picture with multitudinous hues of green. The expansive of plant
      and wildlife is occasionally separated by a gushing river or gurgling brook.

      "Become a

      The scene cuts suddenly to an arid land - soiled earth
      filled with fissures that glow green and a heavy, obscuring mist. An iron-clad
      foot steps into the shot and the view pans upwards to unveil that the foot
      belongs to the same man, but he is now covered in thick, heavy armour. His one
      hand glows, with neon blue flames dancing around his fingers; the other wields
      a huge, straight sword. He strides forwards and behind him arises three more
      figures. One, a female adorned with jewels, her skin glowing brightly; the
      other, also female, nocking an arrow onto a smooth bow, whilst beside her
      slinks a growling cheetah, fangs bared.

      Suddenly, the ground shakes as a tall stone creature
      that is shrouded in mist stomps forwards and roars mightily. The giant is
      indistinct through the smog, save for two glowering yellow lights that pierce
      the shade. The group recoil, then recover and begin charging towards the
      monster. The huntress aims her weapon, the cheetah dashes forward, claws
      outstretched, the priest's hands glow brightly and the young man jumps at the
      creature, bringing his sword down from overhead with vicious speed and
      strength. Upon the impact of weapon, the screen is filled with a blast of bright,
      white light.

      "Live your Dreams."

      The light
      darkens and through it emerges a light red sky, bordered by a setting sun. The
      shot pans down to rest upon the young man yet again, wearing simple,
      comfortable-looking clothing. He is sitting at the edge of a cliff that
      overlooks a forest, with a parting in the middle which is taken up by a small
      village. He rests his back against the trunk of a healthy, oak tree and one of
      his legs hangs lazily over the precipice. In the background, three birds soar
      off into the sunset. On this image, letters covered in vines and leaves
      fade-in, spelling:

      "In Somnio"

      Let me know what you think!
    • Wow the writing is really well done, and it is very interesting thus far. The only thing that confuses me is when you talk about it being on a screen, maybe because its only the first chapter, and the answer hasn't come yep. Other than that I think you did a really good job, and should definitely try to work more on it now that you have the motivation to. I always wanted to write books, never did, then lost my passion for it.
    • Thanks guys :)

      I just realised whilst going through what I had written that I'd managed to miss out a word X(

      It's meant to be:
      "The expansive growth of plant and wildlife is occasionally separated by a gushing river or gurgling brook."

      Anyway, I want to thank you guys again for the support :) I shall write the book, I have lots of ideas for it, and it may take a while to get them all into order (especially on top of college >.<) But I will keep you all updated as I will need help and criticism ^^
    • Potential is huge and I like the idea ^^ Keep up the good work no matter what and go till you finish it :3
      On the outside I may appear like an emotionless sarcastic piece of shit, but just like an onion, when you peel off more layers, you find the exact same thing every single time and you start crying.

      If the world didn't suck, we'd all fall off!