Regarding the Competition

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    • Regarding the Competition

      My submission was instantly declined, simply because I don't post frequent enough. Now, while that may sound like a legit reason, its not so much here. I'm a review channel. The amount of time and effort that go into making something as complex as a review really cannot be done daily like a simple LP can. They take weeks to finish.

      Now this brings up a question, never in the rules did it say only LP channels. So anyone who does any sort of major scripted content like this is immediately at a huge disadvantage. If the channel was check for actual quality this wouldn't be an issue. I'm not gonna sit here and say my stuff is the best, but come on. You'll let a little kid playing minecraft in but not Tue person who does a ton of work on each video? Makes me wonder how man others were declined for similar reasons.

    • We totally understand and that's the reason why many Let's player are deleted but musicians, etc. are not with similar amount of videos.
      But 1 video / month is not frequent at all even for a review and indeed it's harder to be a review due to the fact games/movies,etc. are not coming out every single day.
      I know , it's hard to notice but there are not only let's players in the contest. (But you can bet your life you'll see a minecraft channel around every corner)
      And thanks for expressing your opinion in a respectable way, unlike others.
      So besides saying "I'm sorry", all I can say is that to try to schedule just a bit more to be able to make more reviews in the future cause at least your reviews have quality.
      Good luck with your channel!

      *edit: Even though if you become active on the forums for a longer time (by active , I mean talking with others , posting in threads - not about your channel) , you might be able to post a youtube thread.
      <--- Oh, you hate me son?
    • As a reviewer myself I can understand how hard it is to get content up when it comes to something of that caliber. Now with that being said I looked over your channel and your reviews themselves are actually really short. Shorter than an actual industry review.

      My reviews for example are over 7 times longer than yours and a little more detailed but they only take me about half a week to finish with dedication.

      Remember that even review channels that are really popular like Red Letter Media and Angry Joe still upload videos inbetween the main content to bring something fresh to its subscribers during the long no review weeks when working on something.

      Maybe you should as I am trying to imply make more than just reviews so that your channel has more content and keeps the subs interested and growing :)
      There is always time for muffins.
    • Noirproxy, you also have to keep in mind Angry Joe does this as his job. He has the time to release more frequently. You can't compare little guys to big guys. I'm working full time and don't have the time or energy torelease that frequently. also keep in mind the creative process for each individual is completely different. Not to mention length of a review isn't as important as the content itself. I'd I can entertain and get what I need across in a shorter amount of time, then what is the difference?

      Bundyclan, I understand totally. I don't like the situation but understand. Thanks for replying and being nice about the whole thing. Its funny, I was doing let's play stuff and Monday through Friday uploads for a while but hid it all because I didn't wanna mix LP and review.
    • I have a full time job too but still get around 4-5 videos out a day. The difference in length of reviews can be massive based on the actual depth that you go into. I watched two of your reviews of games that I myself have played on the Gameboy and you missed out a few things that seemed rather important to those particular games. I like to believe I have an opinion on this seeing as I have worked as a full time gaming review editor after my education.

      I'm not here to critique your channel though I am here to say that you could still potentially up your content frequency and still be part of future shout out competitions :)

      Either way best of luck to you Posi! ;)
      There is always time for muffins.
    • Well then friend, I'm glad someone has the audacity to be able to do that much. 4-5 videos a day is ludacris. Also I checked out your channel, out of curiosity and didn't see any reviews. I tried going to your site but couldn't find that either. Might I see some reviews of yours?

      The post was edited 1 time, last by posishark ().

    • Competition

      I don't realy unterstand how this is working with the competition?!
      It is not possible for pewds and his crew to watch 2000 posts in this short time or? So all who aren't on the first page, have no chance to get any use of this i think...
      And how can i find my post there? i didnt remember which number mine was^^
      Greets from Austria :thumbup:
    • crazyWaixxers wrote:

      I don't realy unterstand how this is working with the competition?!
      It is not possible for pewds and his crew to watch 2000 posts in this short time or? So all who aren't on the first page, have no chance to get any use of this i think...
      And how can i find my post there? i didnt remember which number mine was^^

      Check your post list in your profile. :D
      There is always time for muffins.
    • If time consumption is the issue, you could always make a reserve of review videos (or indeed, any form of video) that you can then release regularly. Take a month to do nothing but make videos, don't upload anything. Then release them (at say 1-3 a week or something) while working on more, constantly adding to the reserve while keeping a regular upload pace going.
    • lyrahel wrote:

      Bundyclan wrote:

      Well, I have checked myself more than 2200 channels and started re-checking every single post we've allowed.
      If you posted yet you can't see it on your profile that means it was deleted for not meeting the req. or for double posting.

      You Sir, have my respect. :) 2200 Channels sheesh... That's tough. And you don't even get paid for this. That's what I call dedication. xD

      Yeah, seriously, that's a ton of work. Props. O_O
    • Upload Frequency

      I get what you're saying, but say that you did get chosen to have a shoutout, people would sub to your channel and as a result of not being consistently reminded of you and your channel they would soon turn into Inactive subs, which doesn't benefit you at all.

      In fact having a lot of inactive subs actually makes it look like you bought them and makes your channel seem illegitimate.
    • What is more bizarre are all the people with just one post who entered. You would think there would be a post requirement, or something.

      But isn't that the point :p?
      It's great advertisement for Pewds' forum without him going "check out my forum!" Haha!

      I mean I never even knew that he had a forum! I joined for the competition and stayed because I like chatting to people in forums :)

      (And everyone here has a mutual love for the Pewdster so that's even better!)

      Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk - now Free
      Watch Me Play Music and Stuff:
    • KattStrike wrote:

      What is more bizarre are all the people with just one post who entered. You would think there would be a post requirement, or something.

      But isn't that the point :p?
      It's great advertisement for Pewds' forum without him going "check out my forum!" Haha!

      I mean I never even knew that he had a forum! I joined for the competition and stayed because I like chatting to people in forums :)

      (And everyone here has a mutual love for the Pewdster so that's even better!)

      Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk - now Free

      I'm kind of on the fence about that. On the one hand, yes, it will certainly bring traffic and some people might stay. On the other, I've been scrolling through the entries and a great, great many of them are 1-posters and remain so. I think ultimately less people will stay then will enter and then leave.