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    • Pandemonium

      "Do you want power?"

      This is the question that you see on the computer, a yes or no question as soon as you clicked the link you found.
      You don't know much about it, other than the website is called "Pandemonium", and it's offering you power.

      For reasons that are best known to you, you chose yes.
      You don't know what happened afterward, all you remember is a shine of light on your screen. You must have blacked out.

      Once you woke up, the website was gone. And no amount of searching could find it.
      But for some reason, you feel... odd. you just know you have power, perhaps enough to level the city if you wanted... But there might have been something else, something you can't place your finger on.
      The catch is, you might look a bit... Different.

      Either way, you're powerful now.

      Forums start popping up on the web, full of users who have encountered a similar website to the one you found.
      They brag about their power and challenge each other to duels and arrange various tournaments, all in the name of "Experience". They consider this whole thing a game, get enough XP to level up, they say.

      The law doesn't approve, of course, they take down the "players" on sight. None of you are invincible, some get caught.
      For one reason or another, you make your way to the city of New New York (No, the extra "New" is intentional), floating high in the sky, where pandemonium itself is rumored to be located in physical form.
      And this is how you were entered into this whole mess. Will you go along with it, beating up others to gain power? Will you side with the police, to end this power trip before chaos ensues? Or will you simply have the time of your life with these new powers of yours?

      This is your story, only you can decide how it will go.

      Let the games begin.

      The year is 2054, and technology has been improving at a rapid pace. Traffic and cities are no longer limited to ground level, and colonies have begun on other planets in the solar system, though most people remain on earth.
      Cyborgs are now in use, artificial humans used by law enforcement to handle more severe incidents.

      You, the Player:
      In general, you start at the bottom of the food chain, level one, you could say. Causing a general ruckus can gain you points, but police will show up quickly to end it, and other players can take you down for quick XP.
      The safest way to gain XP is to fight other players in duels or tournaments. Alternatively, you can play vigilante and take down common criminals, which still rewards you. Oddly enough, you might get XP bonuses for taking down rogue players.

      This experience system isn't very well explained, there's no way to know when one is about to "level up". In fact, it almost seems to be at pure random.
      But once you do, you will find a message. Whether it's on cellphone, email, or graffiti on the wall, it will always ask whether you wish to increase your power.
      Occasionally, the "Game master" may wish to grant you this power in person, if impressed.

      When you say yes, you'll experience a good boost to your power. Congratulations, you reached level two, now you're an even bigger target to players, who'll gain more XP beating you up. But with your increase in power, it shouldn't be a problem dealing with them.

      All the common folk, the people who have not found Pandemonium, are referred to as the "NPCs".
      The NPCs are best left to their own devices, but be warned, you're not the only one with power, some people are born with the ability to use magic, magic that generally puts your powers to shame.

      Be careful with your powers in public, and you should be fine.

      The Wild things:
      Magic users aren't the only thing you need to worry about. Demons, evil spirits, Mythical beasts, and many other things lurk out in the wilds.
      If you're lucky, it will only be a pixie having some fun. At worst, a vicious manticore, or a Kishin demon, ready to rip you to pieces.

      Rules and Guidelines:
      1. You're not allowed to kill others without permission. (From either me or the victim.)
      2. You may be strong, but you're not god.
      3. Do not control other players without their permission.

      Character Sheet

      Appearance: Pics or lengthy description are fine.
      [costumes are fairly common among players, and the Pandemonium website has more than once changed a player's normal appearance by giving them wings, horns, fur, scales, ETC.]

      Name/Title: Would you rather I call you a duck?

      Gender: Male? Female? Neither? [Wait, what?]

      Age: You're NOT over 500, stop lying.

      Power(s)/Magic: Your special ability granted by the Pandemonium. (If you chose yes, anyway.) Whether it's a magical item, or control over an element, or even both.
      [Note: If you didn't get your power through the website, you're allowed to be a magic-user, but not a particularly strong one.]

      Skills: Non-magical abilities. Not as useful, but still.

      Equipment/Items: Your normal and not-so-normal stuff.

      Faction: Are you with the police, an NPC, or one of the Players?

      Personality: You're not going without at least one of these.

      Misc: Hate goats? Paranoid of Bees? That stuff goes here.

      I will post my own sheet at a later date.

      You know, most people call me insane...
      That's what happens when I try to reason with people, they don't like it, and I eventually end up turning them to charcoal in the end...

      Why are you looking at me like that?

      Despite popular belief, I did not draw the avatar I'm using. I can't draw.
    • Ooc: wow. Count me in.
      Appearance: around 6' tall, with light brown hair that flows down to his lower back. He has bright yellow eyes, almost like an aged gold.
      He has a thin, wiry build that belies his strength. He almost always wears a flowing gray cloak overtop of his pure white shirt and jeans, with the cloak concealing his knives in the sleeves.
      He wears steel-toed black shoes, as well.
      Name: Leon
      Gender: Potato! No.... Male
      Age: 23
      Power: Puppetry (if he touches you and can hold you for a certain amount of time, and you're weaker than him, he gains complete control over your body
      The number of people he can control at once is equal to his level x1.5, rounded down)
      Also, a voodoo doll that is tied to whoever he is controlling.
      Skills: he knows his way around explosives and survival.
      He is a black belt in judo, and has mastered pins and holds.
      Equipment: a knife, handgun, first aid kit (among other survival gear), and explosives (grenade shells, c4, various fuses and explosive material, all kept safely packed so he won't blow up if he falls down.)
      Faction: the Players
      Personality: he is outgoing, open, yet cautious. He has a very explosive personality, and could turn violent quickly.
      Misc: loves things that are soft, hated things that are slimy. Also highly sadistic.

      The post was edited 2 times, last by Oritigo Na Ilo ().

    • OOC: This is look interesting,, nice detail btw..
      Appearance: Updated (Only the clothes)
      Name/Title: Mierda
      Gender: Male
      Age: 25
      Power(s)/Magic: Summon a Energy Field that can catch those players and drain their power
      Skills: Sniping, Hand-To-Hand combat, and Surviving
      A Knife :…-Anderson-Kult-Folder.jpg
      A Plasma Rifle
      A Plasma Grenade: Drain power (Use by the Police)
      A handgun
      Faction: Police
      Personality: Ambitious, Neat, Charismatic, Brave, Chivalrous
      Misc: Hate Arrogant Players (In the Game), and Like a respect and kind person
      A Gamer, A Bro, and Imagine Dragon Fan

      The post was edited 4 times, last by MercenariesPro ().

    • (You guys again? :P just kidding...Like this one too :))

      Name: Janice Rea
      Gender: Female
      Age: 20
      Power: pyrokinesis (able to control fire fully by mind)
      Skills: able to drive motorbikes, athletic, fast shooter, stealthy
      Equipment: Taurus handgun (main), fighting cane (when possible), other than that depends on availability
      Faction: Police
      Personality: mature, realistic, active, self-confident, have a problem with authority, insightful, brave
      Misc: Works for a police trying to get away from the past that wasn't so bright, occasionally sings in local clubs weather for the sake of spying or just fun, daredevil and when she likes it quite a troublemaker, enjoy drinking with herself from time to time.
      Appearance:…onnodu-t2_zps88cab62f.jpg (something like this, link is already long enough itself)
      On the outside I may appear like an emotionless sarcastic piece of shit, but just like an onion, when you peel off more layers, you find the exact same thing every single time and you start crying.

      If the world didn't suck, we'd all fall off!

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Ritual Lobotomy ().

    • MercenariesPro wrote:

      OOC: I like your character :D,,, The Character Appearance is cool

      (If you meant mine, then thank you very much colleague :P)
      On the outside I may appear like an emotionless sarcastic piece of shit, but just like an onion, when you peel off more layers, you find the exact same thing every single time and you start crying.

      If the world didn't suck, we'd all fall off!
    • Here we go. Time to start this train wreck.

      Mercenary, I can't seem to view your appearance, I get an error every time I try. You should probably do something about that.


      Appearance: Nobody knew why the website turned him into a winged fox.

      Name/Title: Alden Matriar, "The Phoenix Swordsman."

      Age: 19

      Gender: Male.

      Power(s): Ragnarok, a fiery longsword that allows it's wielder to control flames at will.
      Also, wings allow flight, but it can be exhausting if done for too long.

      Skills: For some odd reason, Alden displays incredible skill wielding Ragnarok. Free-runner. Brawler. Lock-picking.

      Equipment: Ragnarok (duh), clothing in appearance. Twin Pistols for emergencies. Set of lock-picks. Wallet. Phone. Backpack with food, water, spare clothes, ammo, and other various supplies.
      (Can't exactly go into a store when he looks like a furry, can he?)

      Faction: Players.

      Personality: Overconfident, reckless, carefree, lazy, surprisingly polite, glory seeker, daredevil, short fuse, Somewhat honorable, always looking for challenges to face.

      Misc: Doesn't like cowards.
      Hated by police, is generally their main target.
      Don't make fun of his new appearance. just... Don't...
      Has a weakness for sweets.

      Main/Battle theme.


      And so begins the tale of pandemonium...

      "Police reports tell that no casualties have been suffered, yet the recent rampage of one Alden Matriar, "player" of the infamous Pandemonium "game", has nonetheless caused incredible damage to-"
      "Yeah, yeah, damage. heard it all before..."

      With the press of a button, the television's power was cut, and a yawning Alden Matriar stood to his feet.
      "Oi, Fuse! Old friend! Heading out!"
      He called out.

      "More death and destruction, is it? Fine, but don't bring the blues to my doorstep!"
      Answered a voice in the building Alden was staying, somewhat muffled coming from behind a locked door.
      "Would I ever do that?"
      "You have. Twice, in fact. It was months before the cops stopped pesrering me for you. Now go away, I'm trying to work here!"

      Shrugging, Alden made his exit. Once outside, he took a deep breath.
      "Ah... Fresh pollution-free air, clear skies, shining sun, and a chance to stretch my wings... Yeah, that didn't sound wierd at all."

      You know, most people call me insane...
      That's what happens when I try to reason with people, they don't like it, and I eventually end up turning them to charcoal in the end...

      Why are you looking at me like that?

      Despite popular belief, I did not draw the avatar I'm using. I can't draw.
    • - At the Police Station -
      - Received an Email -
      "To all police, tonight, we need to hunt those players ONCE MORE. Try to find Alden Matriar, do anything that you can do"
      - i was drinking my coffee -
      "Tonight, another job. Time to prepare"
      "I'm going to take a patrol"
      - Went outside and enter his car
      A Gamer, A Bro, and Imagine Dragon Fan
    • *enjoying a well deserved day off by training in my apartment. Running on track while my house robot cheers* F*uck...can you atleast be a bit more interested?
      -robot yells- all right you worm, keep that legs working and that ass moving...
      *pant* that's more like it *going through the newest messages I got while running* *hard rock music playing from the radio*
      On the outside I may appear like an emotionless sarcastic piece of shit, but just like an onion, when you peel off more layers, you find the exact same thing every single time and you start crying.

      If the world didn't suck, we'd all fall off!
    • -i yawn and wake up-
      Mmmmm. Nothing like a good night's sleep, eh, buddy?
      -i pat my puppet police officer on the cheek, keeping him as still as a statue-
      Now, unfortunately, i've no further use for you.
      -terror enters the man's eyes, but hevis unable to scream or look away from me-
      -i pull out my voodoo doll-
      Bye bye.
      -and twist its head 180 degrees, causing the officer's head to do the same-
      -i throw the body deep into the woods, then walk out into the street, whistling, looking like i was here for the anime convention-
    • *finish off training just when the phone rang* What now...Rea speaking *the voice on the other side mumbled. I answered as I stood on the window* Give me an hour. *I hung up and went for a shower. After changing my clothes with pitch black top, light vest and pair of jeans, I went outside and head to Downtown to meet...* Day off my ass...
      On the outside I may appear like an emotionless sarcastic piece of shit, but just like an onion, when you peel off more layers, you find the exact same thing every single time and you start crying.

      If the world didn't suck, we'd all fall off!
    • -whistling as i walk, i notice a female officer drive by, and i smile inwardly-
      -i continue walking towards my true destination, a pub, seemingly run down, when i see someone fly overhead, a common sight now, except for his foxlike appearance-
      -i enter the pub, and await the signal for the tournament's enrollment-
    • *freeze when I heard familiar voice. Get a grip on myself and smile sweetly* Oh, hi Mierda, what's up? I'm just going to meet a couple of...friends of mine. *try to be polite although it's the second last thing I'm really bad at even though I've known this guy for a long time* So, anything new at the police station? How's the action going?
      On the outside I may appear like an emotionless sarcastic piece of shit, but just like an onion, when you peel off more layers, you find the exact same thing every single time and you start crying.

      If the world didn't suck, we'd all fall off!
    • (ooc: sry guys, this is going to be a bit longer lol)
      *sigh* I'm sorry big guy... *soon arrive at the coffee shop nearby. I instantly see the person I have to meet with* I'm here, now lets get this over with. *Big D offered me to sit down so I did*
      Big D: Nice to see you again darling
      Wow, you haven't change a bit. *I drank some water that was on the table* You still have that pig-like snout that makes you so uniquely ugly.
      Big D: Now, now. That's not the way to treat your uncle, is it.
      *shrug* I thought you got used to it by now. You know, me hating you and shit?
      *Big D smiles coldly* Big D: Look honey, I really want to solve this but this really isn't the place for that.
      I can't agree more.
      *Soon after we were walking down the street. I looked at him walking beside me. That same old dwarf-like man with a giant stomach and pig-like face. Once again I felt disgust*
      Big D: Nice day isn't it? I heard you have a day off today? So that mean no one will bug us. I appreciate that...I also appreciate you refused that cop earlier to follow you here.
      *I froze. It was a trap. In the reflection of the shop-window nearby I noticed two Big D's henchmen. My brain worked like crazy*
      ...Yeah well, I don't like to be disturbed on my day off, nor to have anything with things related to work.
      Big D: Smart as always I see.
      You have no idea. *I thought as the shit was getting more serious. Soon I was pushed in the ally and surrounded by all three of them. I smiled coldly*
      Wow, you really do want to end this no matter what. But just so you know, you will beg for hell after this.
      Big D: Well my dear, you disobeyed me and went against me. Now I will punish you just as I did to your parents
      (gah to get it shorter) *before they realised what was happening they were surrounded by a wild fire burning them and getting inside of them through their eyes and mouth. All of them were soon dumped in a trash container, Big D still alive. I kneeled over him while he was dying*
      You know, Karma is such a bitch. Now you felt what it's like to have a fire against your bare skin. Quite shitty don't you think?
      *I smirked as he mumbled, and showed the burnt scar going across the lower back* You see this? That's how your face looks right now. Cool right? I guess you didn't know the thing I'm the least good at is forgiving and forgetting shit like this! *break his nose* And I lied. Hell is actually much worse than this. Let me introduce it to you.
      *Start to set fire in the container* They often burn trash and shit here, and since you can relate to that, no one will disturb you and no one will notice your body. You should be proud. I'm not your good old defenceless little girl any more. Oh! And thanks for that computer you gave me long ago. It made this possible for me. *Wink to him and get out of the ally while container caught massive fire. I went back to the nearest pub that was half empty. I didn't care about all the players as I usually would. I sat at the bar and ordered a bottle of rum and a glass* Cheers girl. To freedom. *I started to drink*
      On the outside I may appear like an emotionless sarcastic piece of shit, but just like an onion, when you peel off more layers, you find the exact same thing every single time and you start crying.

      If the world didn't suck, we'd all fall off!

      The post was edited 3 times, last by Ritual Lobotomy ().

    • *Turn around after finishing up another glass and look at the guy that "hey-ed". Assume he's one of the Players* I don't know you random person. But hey to you too. *pour another drink*
      On the outside I may appear like an emotionless sarcastic piece of shit, but just like an onion, when you peel off more layers, you find the exact same thing every single time and you start crying.

      If the world didn't suck, we'd all fall off!