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    • The Mist: *laugh* They never thought you that energy can't be destroyed? *allow itself to be dragged into the doll completely before taking it over from the inside and turning it against Leon charging heavily* Why won't you just die? Please, do yourself a favour.

      Rea: No I am not fighting kids! *get slammed into the wall*
      Girl: *chuckle* Too bad.
      Rea: But on the other hand...I can't stand bitches. *take a piece of metal and melt it in making a long and thin, but sharp flamed dagger and charge*
      On the outside I may appear like an emotionless sarcastic piece of shit, but just like an onion, when you peel off more layers, you find the exact same thing every single time and you start crying.

      If the world didn't suck, we'd all fall off!
    • I smile as my hand stops the doll in its tracks.
      "Tell me. Did you really believe that I was destroying your energy?"
      Like a child's toy, I pick up the doll and throw it behind me, sending it careening into a wall.
      "It's my own special take on Exsphere technology, minus the human sacrifices.
      The instant that acid touched your form, it began draining your power into me.
      Unlike an Exsphere, however, I can shut the flow off whenever I please."
    • The Mist: *while disappearing* this is why they want you. Good to know...

      Rea: *break and fly through the doors slamming against the wall and falling to the ground grasping for air* Uh, remember that girl we were talking about...*chuckle and get up* ...I think I've found her.
      Girl: Oh come on...had enough already?
      Rea: *smirk* Sweetie, I kicked some serious essence pumped asses before you even knew what that was.
      On the outside I may appear like an emotionless sarcastic piece of shit, but just like an onion, when you peel off more layers, you find the exact same thing every single time and you start crying.

      If the world didn't suck, we'd all fall off!
    • Well my love... *chuckle* Easier said than done. She won't tell anything without putting up a good fight first. *nod*Mierda is fine. He is in a some kind of coma but it can be undone. I wonder why is that. They're either sadistic bastards or they need him partially conscious.
      Girl: *giggle entering the room* Or both... *lean head to the side* What a lovely bonding moment...shame shame...I have to end it...and you. Both of you.
      On the outside I may appear like an emotionless sarcastic piece of shit, but just like an onion, when you peel off more layers, you find the exact same thing every single time and you start crying.

      If the world didn't suck, we'd all fall off!
    • Girl: *frown* Oh, this won't be the easy thing, will it? *smirk* Good. *use telekinesis and kick daggers out of Leon's hands pinning him to the wall with the pressure on his neck and chest*
      Rea: *make a fire whip and swing towards the girl but she put up a shield barrier and sent it back* Holly... *evade the hit*
      On the outside I may appear like an emotionless sarcastic piece of shit, but just like an onion, when you peel off more layers, you find the exact same thing every single time and you start crying.

      If the world didn't suck, we'd all fall off!
    • Girl: *smirk* How...disgusting... *her eyes glowed and she used her telekinesis to rip the doll apart* Filthy creature... *her skin became nylon-like before it started to peel off along with now dried acid* I am the last line of defence. You're not passing that easily. *look at both of them* We could really use both of you. You shall die anyway. Your call. Either it will be while you sleep or while you scream.
      On the outside I may appear like an emotionless sarcastic piece of shit, but just like an onion, when you peel off more layers, you find the exact same thing every single time and you start crying.

      If the world didn't suck, we'd all fall off!
    • I look at her and smile.
      "Tell me. Do you know what's so nice about marionettes?"
      The pieces of the doll start shuddering.
      "Unless you cut the strings, the parts continue to dance."
      The doll pieces slam onto the girl, encasing her within with the remnants of the acid, severing her telekinesis over myself and Rea.
      "If you insist on getting in our way, we will punish you."
    • Girl: *laugh* I am already punished enough. There is not a THING that you could possibly do punish me more and make me think twice!
      Rea: *wrap fire strings around the girl and constrict her as hard as I could* Why do you people never listen? *girl squirmed like a worm making it hard to constrict her well* Damn you, stop that.
      On the outside I may appear like an emotionless sarcastic piece of shit, but just like an onion, when you peel off more layers, you find the exact same thing every single time and you start crying.

      If the world didn't suck, we'd all fall off!
    • The fragments of the doll tighten, and the acid begins taking its effect, draining her power into me.
      "What about leaving you bereft of power?
      Permanently helpless and dependent upon someone else for survival?
      Leaving you alive, without your sense of sight?
      Or maybe your hands and feet?"
      I approach her, my level of power quickly approaching hers, and I kneel next to her and smile.
      "But I don't like killing or even hurting children. Leaves a bad taste in my mouth.
      I think what they've done to you is an abomination, and I would like to help alleviate it."
      My smile fades and I caress the girl's face gently, in a fatherly way.
      "All the others have died- no, not died. It was far worse.
      Their souls were pulled into those stones, completely aware of their condition, and only used as a power source, no better than a double A battery.
      I don't want anyone else to suffer that fate."

      OOC: I will be recreating this roleplay on my new forum,

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Oritigo Na Ilo ().