Bros, Love Situation!

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  • Friends forever hey... Yeah I know that feeling all too well. But the thing here see that if you do tell her that you like her and she doesn't feel the same way at least you're still friends. Romantic situations can screw that up forever unless she is the woman you will live with for the rest of your life.

    Tread carefully here, but go for it!

    Nothing bad can come from it, its only our feelings which make us feel that way for a time.

    Good luck mate :)
  • Okay so I'm one of those girls whose friends are mainly guys (guys are just so much more
    fun to be friends with hahah!).

    I've done a bit of friendzoning myself but I have also been friendzoned D:

    By a guy that completely lead me on too!

    But do you know what? I'm so glad I asked him out because I learned how he really felt.
    Yeah, it hurt, but at least I wasn't wasting anymore time on him!

    Also, I have learned that the best relationships come from friendships, I just hope
    other women see it that way too!

    My current boyfriend guessed friend!
    I wasn't really interested in him, but he really seemed to geniunly care about me.
    I was going through a really hard time and he was just there for me. He wasn't creepy
    or needyand he really won me over!I've been with him for 4 years now! :D
    And he's my best friend!

    t can happen dudes, you just gotta play your cards right.
    Watch Me Play Music and Stuff:
  • okay, the friend zone is just a man made thing that was made in an early episode of "friends" if you're old enough to remember that show. look it up.
    secondly, bro. i was in the same predicament. its like this, sit down and make yourself comfortable. you gotta make her see you in a different light. you know??? sadly the only way to do this, is cutting off ALL Communication with her during sometimes of the week. Make yourself scarce because everyone wants what they can't have. You want her even more because you can't have her right now. Also, don't be her emotional tampon. this means don't let her vent to you all the time. That's a guyfriend thing ya' know? Be there, but don't be there.
    Im not saying to be a jerk to her, but make her think that without you, her life would be totally different.

    While you're being scarce, take sometime to reflect upon yourself. Talk to other girls show a little more value than what youre already showing and i'll give you a MONEY BACK GUARANTEE that she will see you in a different light. well...err...forget the part about the money. :thumbsup:

    Hope this helps!

    Here at my horror channel, if I haven't made you: jump, shreak, paranoid, scared, or unsettled for a whole night...I haven't done my job. (Which i do, very well)