The Earth Change!

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    • The Earth Change!

      First thing First,, The Story line:

      Some human didn't care about the Earth! Pollution level rises, They throw rubbish on sewer/drain, river, lake, etc. They keep cutting trees, make skyscrapers. EVERY MAN NIGHTMARE CAME TRUE! Scientists has found that our ozone layer is in CRITICAL LEVEL!! REALLY CRITICAL LEVEL! The Ozone Layer is in 30%! But, all factory that produce too much pollution and also CFC from Refrigerator or A/C make the Ozone Layer level decrease significantly,, The Last Blow from Humans destroy 25% of Ozone Layer. Now, the Earth is in BIG DANGER! Critical Ozone Layer! The first disaster start,, The North Pole melting fast.... All Earth is in Evacuation! People ran away, stealing cars to save their life, all in chaos! You saw it's in a news while sitting on your cozy couch! We're all in London, UK! (Even it's not my country) HOW WE WILL SURVIVE? WHAT WE MUST DO? Now, let's us start...




      - Spamming forbid
      - Respect each others
      - You can take anything you can find in the street or buildings you enter, but please be realistic and wisely,, based on your character look and personality,,,
      - Have Fun and Enjoy!
      A Gamer, A Bro, and Imagine Dragon Fan

      The post was edited 1 time, last by MercenariesPro ().

    • Name: Nemera
      Gender: Male
      Appearance: Click! ! But, my hair is Shaggy and brown color! My eyes is blue!
      Personality: Friendly, Ambitious, Easily Panic, and A Trouble-Maker!
      Weapon: Crowbar and A Machete!
      Other: Love Pizza, Coke, really like a girl! (My character special things :P)


      -I was sitting on my couch! And open the curtain on my windows! The Sun ray is blazing and so bright! My eyes will burn! Now, I'm panic-,,

      What do i do??! I will call my friend,, My phone is dead!
      - All light suddenly off,, it's a black out-
      I must ran now,, - I take my bags full of my sketch books, and my special crowbar!-
      - I ride on my skateboard and saw many people panic,, all cars are crash each other-
      A Gamer, A Bro, and Imagine Dragon Fan
    • Name: Falz
      Gender: male
      Appearance: Tall, imposing, with neck-length jet black hair and piercing blue eyes-
      Personality: calm, collected, decisive, and distant
      Weapon: a butcher knife and his fists
      Other: adept at picking locks, trained in judo and karate

      Ic: -the whole world has gone to hell in a handbasket-
      -two thugs stop me, demanding my money, so i left them without their hands. It is only fitting in this brave new world-
      -i arrive at my dojo and grab the guards for my forearms. The metal reinforcements should come in handy-
      -as i leave, i notice a young man going by on his skateboard-
    • Name: Bryant
      Gender: Male
      Apperance: A bit tall,tuff,brown hair,green eyes,green-black hoodie,white jeans,blue-black sneakers.
      Personality:lucky,friendly,athletic,Flirty,not taking anything seriusly,slob.
      Weapon: Butterfly knife and a Pistol.
      Other: Loves Burgers and Oreos, Girls and Life


      -im sleeping on my couch with my tv on when i hear words fading away...-
      Fade: "End..." "Pollution...." "Get Up!..."
      - i wake up and see the news anchor saying that the sun is hotter more then ever!-
      Bry: ahh thats bullsh*t everybody knows its hot in the summer!..
      -im opening the door when i see a person lying on the ground i guess he fainted-
      Bry: well thats what happen when you dont drink water!
      -i carried the man to my house when i look up at the sun-
      Bry: My EYES!
    • -i saw a man standing in front of a dojo, but i don't have anytimes. He look like he can manage himself-
      -Suddenly, i fall and my leg injured-

      "Oh no,,, Well, this isn't too bad,, "
      - i saw 2 man lying in the road-
      "While people panicking, why these man lie on a crowded street"
      (I think they need help, i will help them)
      - I saw one house and the door is opened, i bring them inside-
      - i take a water to wake them up-
      A Gamer, A Bro, and Imagine Dragon Fan
    • -i turn and look at the man with a cold, analytical gaze-
      Very well.
      -i walk inside and notice the two men passed out-
      -i kneel down and check their pulse and temperature-
      Heat stroke. They need to be cooled down, fast.
      -i go get a couple of rags, soak them in cold water, then put them on the mens' foreheads-
      Do you have any fans?
    • -while i was lying on the ground unconscious i dreamed that the sun just swallowed the entire earth, and people were screaming..., families burning and building collapsing...-
      -then i woke up-
      *cough* *cough*
      Bry: Huh?, who are you two?, am i in heaven?
      -i roll my head to the left and see the man who fainted outside, i guess these two took me and him inside..-
      Bry: Ahh.... my head...
      -the man on my left wakes up too-
      Man: hey you two! can you turn all those electricity down! you are wasting my power supplie!