justice falls

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    • justice falls

      no one knows why, but all law enforcement, laws, and order, just seem to have suddenly shattered. families have been devestated, and children are a rare sight. the only clue as to whats going on... is a strange man with a stern face, business suit, and black briefcase. (if you have trouble with imagry, he baisicly looks like the gman. static.giantbomb.com/uploads/o…25537-g_man_cake_room.jpg )
      he is visible most of the time, but usually off in the distance.... he seems to "notice" certain people, and has abilities beyond belief (sorry, but i will take his position, but play him as he is meant to be.
      links are okay, unless it is an ad.
      no godmodding
      don't kill without concent
      no abilities like ice, fire, extrasensory, etc.
      insanity has to be temporary. no long-term spells, keep them short, and keep them spread out if they are going to happen for your character
      be sure to closely observe the strange happenings of this seemingly post- apocolyptic world.

      choice melee weapon: (don't pick anything like a sword or anything overpowered, think of things that you would find along the street.)
      gun: (pistol or shotgun)
      fear factor: (how shaken is your character, how paranoid do they act? scale of 1-20)
      stealth: (1-5, 5 being slightly above average)
      medical setbacks:(OPTIONAL)