Which PC is most price-worthy

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    • Which PC is most price-worthy

      Hello guys I made a thread previously and now I'm back to ask you another question, which one do you think is most worth buying if I wish to record new games like chrysis 3 etc:

      1st PC :
      Asus ROG TYTAN CG8480
      Link asus.com/Desktops/ROG_CG8480/#specifications
      • Intel i7-3770K OC 4,2 Ghz
      • 1TB+128GB SSD harddrive
      • Nvidia GTX680 2GB
      Price :
      14.490 SEK
      2231,43 USD

      2nd PC :
      Link : komplett.se/k/ci.aspx?sku=10796
      11.995 SEK
      1847,20 USD

      If you don't understand any of the words just use google translate.

      I'm not very good at the tech stuff so that's why I'm making this post. If you don't have any idea which one's most price-worthy just rate the PCs from a scale 1 to 10.

      Thanks! Feel free to recommend other PCs that costs similar to these but not over 2250 dollar/15k SEK.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Acon ().

    • question:if you are already paying about 2000$ why are you buying a computer like that?Assembled computers which is sold by companies suck!you should just buy the parts and assemble them yourself.for example why would you need an S.S.D unit?S.S.D units are cell based and they die out much faster than normal H.D.D.even though their speed is much higher than H.D.D.also there is like a ton of unnecessary app on it.i can suggest you a bunch of parts but can you tell me how much in totall you want to pay?like if you can pay 2250$ i would suggest something that will blow these two away!
    • HKILLER888 wrote:

      question:if you are already paying about 2000$ why are you buying a computer like that?Assembled computers which is sold by companies suck!you should just buy the parts and assemble them yourself.for example why would you need an S.S.D unit?S.S.D units are cell based and they die out much faster than normal H.D.D.even though their speed is much higher than H.D.D.also there is like a ton of unnecessary app on it.i can suggest you a bunch of parts but can you tell me how much in totall you want to pay?like if you can pay 2250$ i would suggest something that will blow these two away!
      As I said i'm not really good at tech stuff so that's why I made this thread! And yes 2250 is pretty much as far as I can go. If you have the time I wouldn't mind if you took together a computer and linked the parts here like you said!
    • Acon wrote:

      As I said i'm not really good at tech stuff so that's why I made this thread! And yes 2250 is pretty much as far as I can go. If you have the time I wouldn't mind if you took together a computer and linked the parts here like you said!
      well that's easy just search youtube for assemble videos or just give 20 or 30 $ to a computer specialist so they would assemble it for ya.give me a bit time i will post you a list.
    • well finally after a few hours of searching this is the specs i suggest:
      CPU : Intel i7 3770K 350$
      Mother Board : Asus Maximus V Formula 300$
      RAM : G.Skill Tridentx 16GB(2x8GB)2133Mghz 165$
      H.D.D 1: Western Digital Black 3TB 210$
      H.D.D 2: Western Digital Green 3TB 130$
      Power Supply:Evga Super Nova NEX750 100$
      VGA:Evga GTX 780 Classified ACX Cooler 3GB 700$
      Case:Cooler Master Storm Enforcer SGC-1000 80$
      Total Cost: 2035$
      you will have 215$ extra
      Secondary options:
      Power Supply:Corsair HX750 130$
      RAM : G.Skill Tridentx 16GB(4x4GB)2400Mghz 160$
      now this is a very good system you will get an average of 31 FPS in Crysis 3 on 2560x1440 with it : here and 55 FPS on 1920x1080 here.you might get even more cuz the model i suggested you is Super Clocked.now i know you would think GTX 690 is better but that's a yes only if you want to pay more than 2500$.you can reduce the hard drives if you don't need that much space for storage.if you are planning to SLI graphics (use 2 graphic card at the same time)tell me so i would tell you the necessary changes.if you are asking me i say gather up some more money(about 150$ more=2400$) and buy a GTX TITAN.that would be the ULTRA-high end system of gaming.but if 2250$ is your Max this is the best thing you can get in my opinion unless you wanna do SLI and stuff like that that's a different story...any question?
      P.S:for got to add the Optic driver for you ( as i don't use one myself) a blu-ray drive is about 100$ less or more that's optional and unimportant.

      The post was edited 3 times, last by HKILLER888 ().

    • great build but i think you don't need SSD if you have a pen or external HD.
      By the way the external HD have less speed but have more storage capacity and they are cheaper

      HKILLER888 wrote:

      well finally after a few hours of searching this is the specs i suggest:
      CPU : Intel i7 3770K 350$
      Mother Board : Asus Maximus V Formula 300$
      RAM : G.Skill Tridentx 16GB(2x8GB)2133Mghz 165$
      H.D.D 1: Western Digital Black 3TB 210$
      H.D.D 2: Western Digital Green 3TB 130$
      Power Supply:Evga Super Nova NEX750 100$
      VGA:Evga GTX 780 Classified ACX Cooler 3GB 700$
      Case:Cooler Master Storm Enforcer SGC-1000 80$
      Total Cost: 2035$
      you will have 215$ extra
      Secondary options:
      Power Supply:Corsair HX750 130$
      RAM : G.Skill Tridentx 16GB(4x4GB)2400Mghz 160$
      now this is a very good system you will get an average of 31 FPS in Crysis 3 on 2560x1440 with it : here and 55 FPS on 1920x1080 here.you might get even more cuz the model i suggested you is Super Clocked.now i know you would think GTX 690 is better but that's a yes only if you want to pay more than 2500$.you can reduce the hard drives if you don't need that much space for storage.if you are planning to SLI graphics (use 2 graphic card at the same time)tell me so i would tell you the necessary changes.if you are asking me i say gather up some more money(about 150$ more=2400$) and buy a GTX TITAN.that would be the ULTRA-high end system of gaming.but if 2250$ is your Max this is the best thing you can get in my opinion unless you wanna do SLI and stuff like that that's a different story...any question?

      that's a beast, if he wants to play almost full hd max quality then this is the pc
      there is a problem if he lives in sweden, there will be hard to buy those components unless he buys from an online shop with transportations, he has to pay the shipping fees and they will be 200$ or a little less

      and 2 HD 3TB storage is just too exaggerated
      i think only one is enough he could

      you could buy instead of that HD a velociraptor for Max Speed HDD for Desktop Computers

      See my channel if you speak English, ignore the other language videos

      The post was edited 2 times, last by FTR ().

    • FTR wrote:

      that's a beats, if he wants to play almost full hd max quality then this is the pc
      there is a problem if he lives in sweden, there will be hard to buy those components unless he buys from an online shop with transportations, he has to pay the shipping fees and they will be 200$ or a little less

      i don't know about Sweden.if you search enough you will find your stuff.trust me!!I'm in a much lacking place(in terms of computer products) but i got all these and also I'm much further away from USA compared to Sweden and my shipping cost me about 110$.yes that's a beast! when you wanna spend 2250$ you gotta buy a beast!also as i said if he doesn't need that much storage pace then he can reduce it or change to WD Velociraptor.but you know constant video recording and then editing it need a lot of space i know some youtubers have much more than these.
      As for his own build WD blue is not good.WD blue is for servers and work stations.i don't know why you insist so much on the Haswell?Haswell is not that great compared to Ivy bridge.10% better performance for 30% higher price?and in total it's not strong enough compared to my suggestion build.but i don't know...you can do whatever you want to do with your money.
    • Questions regarding the parts:
      CPU : Intel i7 3770K 350$
      The only i7 CPU that I found that was close to 350$ costs 383 dollar, I found it at inet.se. "Intel Core i7 3770S 3.1 GHz (Ivy Bridge)"

      Mother Board : Asus Maximus V Formula 300$
      I found ASUS MAXIMUS VI IMPACT mITX for exactly 300 dollar, unfortunately I did not find the motherboard you mentioned, do I have to try to find it elsewhere or will this do?

      RAM : G.Skill Tridentx 16GB(2x8GB)2133Mghz 165$
      I did not find this on any swedish website. Any other advice or will I have to buy from a foreign country?
      Found Corsair 16GB (2x8GB) CL10 2400MHz VENGEANCE PRO RED for 253 dollar, any good?

      H.D.D 1: Western Digital Black 3TB 210$
      I did not find this but I found a 3TB WD Red for 183 dollar?

      H.D.D 2: Western Digital Green 3TB 130$
      I found this for 161 dollar, is it worth it?

      Power Supply:Evga Super Nova NEX750 100$
      I did not find this however I found the Corsair HX750 for 161 dollar.

      VGA:Evga GTX 780 Classified ACX Cooler 3GB 700$
      I found this for 889 dollar. Is ok but do I really need 2 H.D.D? If I run out of memory I will buy another if necessary.

      Case:Cooler Master Storm Enforcer SGC-1000 80$
      I did not find this but as the case isn't that important I took the liberty of finding one myself, I found Zalman Z11 Plus Black for 91 dollars which I'm ok with.

      I feel like stuff is really expensive here in Sweden. O.o Also I dislike buying from several companies at the same time due to the fact that the shipping fees are so high.

      I made a cart at inet.se (one of the cheapest companies I could find, free shipping if you buy for over 76 dollar) and all in all it turned out to be 2300 dollar WITHOUT the second H.D.D 3tb... Mind suggesting me any website with the prices you mentioned? even if its in USA

      I went to a site called Newegg.com and with all the parts it ended up 1653 dollar which is REALLY cheap I even took the better power supply. Now I wonder.. is it possible to buy from there if I live in Sweden? I entered my ZIP and it said it's invalid.

      The post was edited 2 times, last by Acon ().

    • actually i found all those parts in Newegg.USA and Newegg doesn't work out of U.S but the thing is usually the price that Newegg puts there is a reasonable price which other sites like Amazon and Ebay use.for example i found 3770K here in Ebay for 305$ (it's a brand new CPU). Ebay works with Paypal and they usually have international shipping.you just have to spend time and find one seller that has all the items so they would send you all the parts in one package and the shipping would worth it(you can even contact eBay and ask them for suggestions by telling them your location and asking them for a shop which would have all the parts you need or just look it up in the internet) or find a store in Sweden (which is for the best so you won't have to spend money on shipping)give em your list and ask which of the part in the list they have.buy the ones they had and those items they didn't have you might find in other stores.although you might find the parts to be a bit more expensive(or just the opposite!) in Sweden for shipping and Tax or their shop guarantee but that's up to you to decide where to buy from.I'm just suggesting the specs.

      Also that Corsair power supply is not better than EVGA super nova.they are the same exact.both of them are very good quality but Corsair is a rip off cuz of its spoiled rotten brand.also EVGA has 10 years limited warranty after registering your power supply(EVGA also has official offices and shops all over the Europe).

      it's up to you to know if you need 6TB of hard disk space or not.i don't know.think it over and see if you need that much.but if you are deciding to buy 1 H.D.D buy WD digital Black or WD Velociraptor(which are expensive but MAXIMUM PERFORMANCE!).now whether they should be 1TB or more that's up to you.i don't record gaming vids but 6TB is not enough for me.

      Case is IMPORTANT.if your case doesn't have a good cooling system you will constantly have Over heating problems and your system will burnout in less than a year!Cooler master and that model in particular is cheap and great in performance.i've seen people putting up reviews about it and using the the same CPU and results were great.

      so i can give you the links of the parts I've told you but they are from new egg they won't do you any good.but the price shouldn't be much different from these.different people will sell them with a more expensive or cheaper price.