I don't know what to do.

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    • Just tell her straight up to back off for a while, it may make her upset but if she is making you uncomfortable it's the best thing to do. And if she really is your 'best friend' she will leave you alone, but if she won't then end the relationship right there and then because it will fall apart eventually and not in a good way.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Lingbyrd ().

    • In the end , we should try to help

      Young lady , for this mission you have three options that even The Fate can't avoid :

      1.You must talk to her honest and if she really is that 'best friend' she will understand . But for this option you need much courage
      2. You need to avoid her , don't answer to her calls . But don't do this forever , do it until you recover your personal bubble and calm down. This option have the risk that your friendship with her will probably die , but if you are at your limit ...
      3. Find another persone who have much free time to hang out with her . This probably should keep her busy until you can recover.

      Other option I can't really say that are efficient , but I hope you will succeed in this .

      Good luck ;)

      "Oh look at the time ... IT'S ANIME TIME"
    • Thanks for the advice bros! :)
      Ive tried to ignoring her calls before but she kept calling like every ten minutes and i feel to bad about not answering. Im just not that kind of person.. ya know?? I guess ill just have to tell her honestly how I feel. I've never had to deal with this kind of thing before but thats just the way the world works. Hopefully in the end, She'll be okay with it
    • I have the same thing.I gave him mu number and he keeps calling me.
      So I got tired of lying and told him Not to call me every single day.So he rudely said he will call me everyday.
      Now I don't answer him anymore.
      You should try telling her.
      Work it ᕙ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ᕗ harder
      Make it (ง •̀_•́)ง better
      Do it ᕦ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ᕤ faster
      Raise your ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ dongers
    • Talk to her. Be honest with her, but avoid using harsh words. Tell her she's suffocating you and that you just want to spend some time alone or with other friends. Maybe you should acquitance her with some new people to make her busy and she won't feel alone. But as I said - be honest. She's your best friend so she'll probably know you're lying to her. And that's the worst thing you can do to her - she'll fell betrayed and that you want to break this friendship with her, especially because, as I conclude from your post, she already has been left by some of her friends because of her injury. Try to talk to her the sooner the better, before your emotions will bottle up too much and you'll unneceserily burst and this might end your friendship which you seem to value.