DayZ - The Bro Army

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    • DayZ - The Bro Army

      Any of you play DayZ?

      If so,

      Favorite Map?
      Own Server?
      Private or Main Hive?
      Ever found Mountian Dew?
      How long do you play?


      Favorite Map: Fallujah
      Own Server: Yes I have one, but only play on it sometimes.
      Private or Main Hive: I prefer Private Hive, but sometimes I'll play Main Hive.
      Ever found Mountian Dew: Yes
      How long do you play?: Varies

      Thinking about starting a Bro Army DayZ server.
    • well because you should have Arma 2 in order to have Dayz Mod installed on it.and Arma wasn't that good itself to get people to buy it...Dayz on the other hand is a confusing and time consuming game and from what i've saw in the videoes it's not the kind of game that people around here would go for...