Help! Xbox One or PS4?

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    • Why would you even consider getting an Xbox one after all microsoft has done. It's probably just gonna get worse in the long run anyway. Yes, they took back the "Always on DRM" and "Used game" thing but still I'd never even consider getting an Xbox one after all that they have done.
    • ive been with xbox all the years, but after i saw the new xbox, im getting a ps4,
      because microsoft(xbox) request alot of money, and if you have internet problems you will not be able to play your games you paid for
      and since xbox need games to install, what diffrence does it make if you play on computer (wiich is batter then xbox) or xbox, well you can stil pplay with xbox controller on the computer and pay alot alot less,
      and i porsonaly was with xbox because i liked the xbox controller, but now the dualshock 4 will be relesed, and it looks a bit bigger, and that all i wanted it to be if there will be a dualshock 4
      Hey i hope i helped you decide
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    • Dude, That's like considering whether to go to a dentist or an ice cream vendor.

      Xbox One got one of the worst first impression i've ever seen. And it's basically region locked to a few countries like mine. So suck it microsoft. Go get a PS4 instead.

      Edit: Alright, Region lock is gone i suppose. Well, not like that i'll change my mind though.

      If you're angry, don't break anybody's heart, they only have one..... Break their bones, they have 206 of them

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Dandy Dragon ().

    • If you can't decide based on which consoles offers what featuers, take a look at their respective exlusives. Maybe then you can use those to help you decide. Personally i'd go for the PS4, they advertised it as a gaming machine, not a multimedia device so i'm pretty sure that sony's focus will be mainly on games rather than providing content to sit and watch. Also the fact that you still need kinect to use the console sucks and i don't like having a potential spy in my home, even if microsoft claims it doesn't spy or what not...i'm a bit paranoid about that but that's just me :P
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    • I say you get a PS4. Because Xbox One sucks. Why? It is always on, thats the bad thing. Also it drains the electronics energy or something, because when they all turn off, you need to pay money to turn the energy back on. I don't actually know if its only my country, but i still prefer a PS4.
    • Hey guys, XBOne got slightly better:

      Get a PS4 though, Sony have made some really good changes (while PS Plus is now required for multiplayer, they made it cheaper than XBL! Discounts, exclusive demos and junk, Online Storage, and lots more for less money than XBL! It's either a weekly or monthly subscription, forgot which)

      colonel, we managed to avoid drowning!
    • I'll probably get the Xbox One at some point, but I doubt it will be for quite a few years.

      In my opinion, it's normally best to wait a good while until the consoles come down in price and whatnot. Why upgrade while the old console still works?
      A smile a day, keeps sadness away!

      Come and have a good ol' cuppa with me... You know you want to ...
    • now after the changes, im not sure what to buy, because my friends (wich include girls) dont really like shooting games or know how to use a controller, but they really really love the kinect, but i told them i wont buy it because of all the stupid things that microsoft did, but i still support the ps4, because if i didnt have much of a friends (or at least friends who know to play with a controller) i would have defenetly got ps4
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    • If you want me to be honest, get a custom made desktop PC X(
      But if you are desperate for a console, I'd probably go with PS4 since:
      - They listen to the consumers
      - Its cheaper
      - Its hot
      - You can share games
      - You don't need internet to use it >-<

      The only reason to buy Xbox One would be if you want to play the new Halo games or Ryse: Son of Rome. Gawd I want Ryse for PC.. D:
      Smile More, !
    • Xbox has changed their policies after saying they can't....personally I don't like how Microsoft has gone about this, and I don't want to support something that was about to make us pay full retail price for USED games. I'd either go PC (better pc can be bough below Xbox One costs) or PS4. Cause PS4 looks decent enough.
    • Bro this is easy. Rather then just saying their first impression sucks, I'll provide reasons with my arguement.

      Ps4 will be the superior system for many reason.

      1. The ps4's controller has a touchpad and the xbox1 doesn't. This provides more chances for interesting ways to play games and missions using this feature that the xbox doesn't have.

      2. Xbox 1 is very VERY media/entertainment heavy. Meaning things like netflix, sports, all that, is prominent on this system. If you're looking for media/entertainment quality, xbox is your system. Ps4 will have better gameplay focused advantages.

      3. Ps4 will be $399 as opposed to the xbox's $499 Price.

      4. Neither system is backwards compatible, although Sony announced a plan to support PS3 backwards-compatibility through Gaikai, a streaming service, sometime in 2014.

      All in all, I believe that ps4 will be superior in gaming and xbox1 will be superior in media/entertainment.
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