What boss was the most easy for you to defeat, most annoying, and most hardest to defeat?

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    • What boss was the most easy for you to defeat, most annoying, and most hardest to defeat?

      Hello :) which game bosses gave you a pain in the ass to defeat and which ones where like "Are you sure you're a boss?"
      mine are from the Legend of zelda
      - The Grin Creeper and his Evil Bird in the Eagle's Tower (annoying as F***)
      - The angler fish in the Anglers Tunnel (most easy a few swings and that bitch is dead)
      - And the most hardest to defeat hmmm I don't know I want to say the Armos knight also from the Legend of Zelda but he was just annoying hmm I also want to say Malefor From The Legend Of Spyro Dawn of The dragons but he was pretty easy I guess just that one bit of the boss battle when they are flying and all was a pain in the ass but still easy I guess Hmmm.....Jinpachi from Tekken 5 was a pain also and I could never beat him until I found the key to defeating him just low kick really fast!! But until I found out that "secret" he was very hard to beat...Hmm I seriously don't know tell your guys's top 3 bosses of the topics I have given you and maybe I will agree with ya Bros BAHHHAAAAAIII :thumbsup:
      watch me on deviant art: kitsune-zakuro.deviantart.com/
      :D NPStheBro 8)
    • I remember hw much problems i had with the 2nd boss in Ninja Gaiden and Ninja Gaiden: Black till me and my friend found a pretty easy way to defeat him. But another hard boss, hmm let me think. Ohh yea, John Clayton in Kingdom Hearts. I HAD SO MUCH PROBLEMS WITH HIM DEAR GOD.
    • Well, Dr.Fetus in Super Meat boy certainly grinded my gears *turns around and throws dart at picture of him*, as well as;

      • Dark Samus in Metroid Prime 3: Corruption

      • Tabuu in Super Smash bros. Brawl

      • Bouldergeist in Super Mario Galaxy

      And a few more would come to mind, if I could remember them. I remember the arena in Kirby super star ultra being like an ultimate gathering of annoyance and pain, and when I beat it I was extremely happy :)
      I'm an overly sized pickle with a tendency to play video games :D Come on over and view me up on the Youtubes, if you wanna, it would be appreciated:

    • Most Annoying

      Double Pyramid Head Boss Fight in Silent Hill 2. These assholes take about 189 Handgun Clips in Hard Action difficulty.

      Most Easy

      Missionary from Silent Hill 3 looked incredibly intimidating, but was shockingly easy. Run, shotgun. Run, shotgun. Run, shotgun. Rinse and repeat.

      Most Hard

      Russian Boss from Hotline Miami was literally three bosses in one. First you kill the Panthers with the trophy, you avoid Ninja Girl's knives and then kill her, then you avoid Boss's Dual Wield MP5's. I died a lot.

      colonel, we managed to avoid drowning!
    • Easy - Final boss from Dungeon Siege, Gom. Went in expecting something amazing and epic, killed the poor sod in under 20 seconds. My friends watched me play for 40 to 55 hours to get this weak fight.

      Hardest - Ricketz from Jade Cocoon. Took me three hours and 42 minutes to fight him and I still was not able to beat him when the game first came out.

    • Bowser(SMW/SNES):

      Well... Don't need to say much, do i? :p

      Jinpachi Mishima(Tekken 5/PS2):

      This guy... Man... He still annoys the hell outta me. No comments for this one. x|

      Sigma(Megaman X series):

      I STILL take this one as the hardest. Not at all, but he still IS hard.
      If you take it from the first Megaman X game on, until at least X4, he IS annoying, mostly in his Ultimate forms.
      Most of the series he used to have 2 forms, being the second one evidently the Ultimate one. Except for X4, where he has 4 forms, being the last two capable of alternating between each other. So they call these both as 3A(Cyborg) and 3B(Slime, plus three mini bots which help Sigma to destroy you).
      Resuming: VEERY annoying all the time.

      These are my matches, btw.
    • NuMetalWolf wrote:


      Well... Don't need to say much, do i? :p

      Jinpachi Mishima(Tekken 5/PS2):

      This guy... Man... He still annoys the hell outta me. No comments for this one. x|

      Sigma(Megaman X series):

      I STILL take this one as the hardest. Not at all, but he still IS hard.
      If you take it from the first Megaman X game on, until at least X4, he IS annoying, mostly in his Ultimate forms.
      Most of the series he used to have 2 forms, being the second one evidently the Ultimate one. Except for X4, where he has 4 forms, being the last two capable of alternating between each other. So they call these both as 3A(Cyborg) and 3B(Slime, plus three mini bots which help Sigma to destroy you).
      Resuming: VEERY annoying all the time.

      These are my matches, btw.
      Jinpachi Mishima LAWL he was easy for me :D I know the trick MUAHAHHAHA just low kick the fucker and you is done!
      watch me on deviant art: kitsune-zakuro.deviantart.com/
      :D NPStheBro 8)
    • The easiest boss was Bowser, from Super Mario Galaxy.

      I beat him on the first try, and with only loosing about two health pieces. It was so easy. ;3;




      You see that guy right there?

      It took me, (and I counted each time,) THIRTY-TWO tries to beat him

    • Komachi Onozuka wrote:

      Seriously. It may sound lame to the fact he reads memory cards, but I was 6 when i played this, and genuinely thought he read my mind, therefore I shat bricks....

      Also, I HAD NO IDEA I had to switch Controller slots to beat him. All those deaths..... ._.

      At the time (if not still) the best game designing I have seen from developers, so ingenious to even think about that (especially controller part haha)
    • The Easiest boss I've ever faced was Cloud N. Candy from Yoshi's Story.
      The most Annoying bosses I've ever faced is a tie between Posessed!Riku from Kingdom Hearts, or the Geth Armature you face on Haestrom in Mass Effect 2.
      The Hardest boss I've ever faced is a tie between Sephiroth from Kingdom Hearts (not KH2, I beat him in that one), or the Cropolite on Hard in Timesplitters 2.
      My most favorite boss fight ever, however, is Parista from Summon Night: Swordcraft Story.
      Self-proclaimed Secretary of Fabulousity and Accidental Necromancer.
    • Hmmmm, well for easiest I would say
      Gohma from Ocarina of Time Really one of the easiest bosses ever created.

      (now who's got arachnophobia? Because this could just make it worse)

      Most annoying would be Girahim from Skyward Sword. I mean you fight him three times plus I had no Idea at the time on how to avoid his way of blocking.

      (You're wearing a bit tooo much eye make up)

      And hardest boss, This one I still have not beaten. Its Queen Myrrah and her Tempest from Gears of War 3 on Insane Difficulty.

      (wow she's a pretty one. Am I right?)

      Now this boss on any other difficulty is a nice walk in the park and just like any other final boss. You might die occasionally but you'll get trough it in at least under an hour.

      But switch it over to Insane difficulty and it's as if the freaking bug just got a shot of adrenaline or something because you cannot kill the bug. Basically this boss on Insane mode was created so you could fail over and over and over.
      And then come back in a month or two with some confidence just to have it destroyed yet again.
      Swiggity sweager und wir Sind die jäger
    • Easiest boss probably is Rodrigo Borgia on Assassin's Creed 2
      Most annoying is Lazarevic from Uncharted 2, having to shoot the sap whilst running and gunning was so annoying.
      Hardest boss? Hmm.. probably Vanitas's Remnant or the cloaked character in Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep

      PSN - Huw_Shakugan
      Xbox - HuwEVA01