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    • Okay, there's this kid named Daniel in my sister's class. They have the like "Line Leader" and "Caboose" and all that crap. She said that he like throws a FIT when someone goes in front of him when he's the line leader. So she told me that he was line leader this week and a kid named David said at recess (it was Indoor) "Vote for David for line leader!" and then this other guy named Mitch went around with a paper and counted the votes. Would you guys count this a bullying? Really, and what should my sister have done?
      I just want to know because really, I think David meant it as a joke but... Daniel, from my sister's words, was SCOWLING and he was mad for the rest of the day.
      you don't have to be pretty to be perfect.
      you don't have to be smart to be perfect.
      you just have to be you
      and no matter what,
      you are perfect.
    • It sounds a little like bullying. But not really. I think David just wants to be at the top meaning be a leader at all times. I can see that no one is a follower. If Daniel gets into a fit because David is the line leader than Daniel should step up not get angry... If David cheats Daniel saying "Vote for David for line leader!" than Daniel should do the same to. It's like a competition. But that's how Daniel would get his spot back.
    • Well, I don't know how this line leader system works, so I would assume that the line leader is not assigned by votes o_o

      I mean, unless there was a direct form of bullying like, "Vote David for line leader because Daniel is bad at it" or something, it doesn't appear to be bullying. Now, if he was doing it every single time intentionally, that might be a problem. If it was just a one-time thing, it just could have been a misunderstanding and that David thought that votes were how roles were assigned.